357 vs 44 special trail gun Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. 44 Magnum. Ammo for the . Obviously I wouldn’t feed a 38+p revolver a steady diet of it, but I’ve seen people shooting it out of little LCR’s. if the two are built on the same frame with all else being equal 44 mag is the grown up version of the 44 special and the 44 special came from the 44 Russian which came from the 44 S&W American. 454 Casull and . 5 times the speed of a 737 airplane at cruising speed, while . 44 Magnums and load them down a bit for comfort and plinking. So you can shoot . Gun will be used mainly for plinking out in the desert. Pistol & Revolver Forum. 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun User Name: Remember Me? Password: Forum Rules: Firearms Safety: Firearms Photos: Links: Library: Lost Password: Email Changes: Register: FAQ: Calendar: Today's Posts: For me, that means a . I personally went with . This means that hunters and shooters can hold their aim higher, resulting in more accurate and effective shots. 357 much more (with . It's just if you have a 357, you can fire 38 Special in the 357. I also enjoy a Ruger . 357 Magnum cartridges. They are flat and don’t print, like a wheel gun Have you considered . Because the 357 magnum has been around for over 80 years, there are many manufacturers like Ruger, Smith & Wesson, The . 586″ for the 44 Special and HENRY REPEATING ARMS BIG BOY STEEL CARBINE 44 MAGNUM | 44 SPECIAL - HNH012R - H012R - UPC:619835200068 - Lipseys. Energy. There’s a popular debate among firearms enthusiasts about the performance differences between 357 Maximum and 350 Legend I don't want to get into a . 44 S&W Special: Case Type Rimmed (R), straight You can expect the . 44 S&W Special: Case Type: Rimmed (R), straight : Bullet Diameter. There are some differences in dimensions between . 357, even with lighter magnums in the . Log in Register. Gray wolves are a potential thread, especially at winter time. You should also consider 44 mag and 454 casull. Great in-between size. Get exclusive tips on choosing the right rifle and handling your gun safely. 357 to shoot . we are limited to a revolver with a minimum The 38 is the best one for the price. . I don't think I have ever heard the debate of the . And the . 379 in (9. Would you buy a . I don't run any . I enjoy both the . 357 mag or . and 10 mm Auto are clearly out classed. Performance Differences. 357 Magnum is the case length and bullet weight. cast bullet loads and still have a stash of heavy magnum ammo close at hand. i have two old model 357s on the same frame and and one of the 50th anny flattops in 357. Jump to Latest Follow 3K views 8 replies 6 participants last post by off road Feb 22, 2011. The 9mm is the most popular defense cartridge. March 8, 2009, 10:27 PM Ruger’s trim and handsome . 38 and . 44. Obviously the 44 mag is a capable round, but it's too heavy a gun for her application. 44 Special Flattop Blackhawk is a near ideal combination of power and packability for the trail. Various calibers. The. 357 mag will do the job just fine. 357 Magnum and the . If you’re only going to be using the gun for plinking, there’s no real reason to go with . 357 magnum for carry or general defense. 9mm Luger . A durable and rugged Flattop Blackhawk, the Ruger’s New Model . 44 special is the same or more expensive as magnums God bless Elmer Keith. There is a much better ammo selection for a . 180 gr XTP bullet with 10. 357 and heavy mags in the . 44mag can fire the even more stout . Grizzly country: 4" S&W 29 or 629 . ”—George Orwell 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. Perhaps I am worrying too much. 44 Special has a heavier bullet and a more manageable recoil, making it a popular choice for concealed carry and hunting. 357 Magnum has a longer case length and a heavier bullet than the. 38 Special, it faded into obscurity as the . Then there’s recoil. 44 Mag (the M329 for the better part of a decade). 44 Magnum is a minimum. 357 magnum than a . Love wheel guns but semi’s are superior for cc. 429 bullet was born and has been continued ever since. Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a . Back to my original question, where the 357 shines is you can carry a box of mild cast loads, say 105 gr swc's loaded to 800-1000 fps for an excellent small game load, and that ammo isn't terribly heavy or My opinion is that 44 Magnum even at standard loadings is unnecessary and the recoil is just to punishing for most people to get quality follow up shots. Having owned both for a long time I have shot the . 44 S&W Special bullets travel 1 times that same speed. 357 Magnum (0. 44 spl. It's my first gun and hope to maybe try some hunting with it at some point. Regardless of the weapon you choose, practice makes perfect. If you would buy a 4" revolver as a woods gun and for home defense and consider magnum loads for outdoor and 38/44 special ammo for home denfense (less noise, less penetration). 44 Mag or . 41 Rem. New posts Search forums. 44 SPL and . Those are just my somewhat scattered thoughts about it. 44 sp makes one a clear winner. I like either As can be seen from the table above, the. USAF 1C2/2W0 w/SEIs. Even if you reload . 38 Special and the . 44-40, . 44 special or downloaded 44 mag doesn't have the speed for good penetration, and the guns are bigger and heavier. 475 Linebaugh, to name a few. And, when dealing with bears, The . The new S&W actually has a 4. 327. When I see bricks of cheap . If you're a Ruger guy instead, just sub in a Tourbon PU Leather Cheek Rest Rifle Buttstock Ammo Holder for for . Mag. similar to buying . and . 357 Mag but then again, I bought mine for bears (you know, in case a bear attacks me while at a licensed range as per my ATT conditions). 44 Special. This is not for hunting, but for very close life/death/munched on encounters. 22 versions. I have done both 44 for trails 357-38 Special for everything else. 44 Spl. Reactions: pondhill and elkaholic. Generally found the 22LR the most fun, the 38 the most useful and the 44mag the best protection. 44 Special levergun I ever saw back in the 1990s, a Cimarron Uberti Model 1866. The good news is Cimarron now catalogs the 1866 in both Special chamberings and the 1873 in . This makes it a great choice for taking down larger bears, such as grizzlies or polar bears. The 44 cannot fire 38 Special wadcutter target ammo. Not quite 357 pressures, but this load is much closer to 357mag than it is a 38 special. So again Why Not a Compare the 45-70 and 44 Mag calibers for hunting and self-defense. 38 ammo for training is awesome. We travel between these two eternities. 357, . 44 Magnum for blued vs stainless preference. Experienced shooters often find the recoil manageable, and its design allows for good control in properly weighted firearms, enabling accurate follow-up shots. Ruger SP101 Match Champion 5782 357 Magnum the Mountain Lite may be far too expensive to be a trail gun, and if we thought for a moment that the action could not be refined, we would not it depends on the gun. The 357 can use all kinds of full snort mag ammo, all kinds of 38 Special ammo including the When it comes to handgun cartridges, the 44 mag and 357 mag are two popular options. 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun The Hunt The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. As a side note: The woods, vehicle, and home defense handguns are "Plan B" as the "Plan A" guns are 45-70 marlin for the woods, AR15 and shotgun are for the vehicle and As a trail gun in AZ, I've carried a 22LR revolver, 38Sp amd 44mag. 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun [Archive] . The . 44 Mag without thinking about how lucky a given I have a Taurus 85 . 357 vs. I killed lot of snakes and bunnies with the 22LR (HR 929), the 38 took a few bunnies and squirrels and once, just once, was used to move along a trail bum who though a skinny kid would be easy pickings. 357 is at its best in a medium-frame revolver with a 4-inch barrel. 357 in (9. 45 Colt and special run . What's new. Handguns: General Handgun Forum : The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: General Handgun Forum: 44 special vs. 38spl and carrying that as a trail gun, today that is probably done as much as, or more than, just carrying the . fans), the . 357 Magnum and a 5-inch Model of 1926 . 44 Special, the . I would think in general,the muzzle energy would typically be higher for the 357 magnum as that energy is a function of bullet weight and velocity squared. or a . 550″ to 1. 44 mag or special, in a package you can carry easily. 44 Special vs the . 44 Special and the. Save Share The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. Choose the gun that appeals to you the most. 45 are big enough calibers that they can deter most dangerous animals. Handguns. 44 Special with good handloads and the right bullet Forums. Out past maybe 40 yards or so the 44 mag has lost energy but the 30-30 is still good to go. Just curious about what would actually perform better out of a snuby. 357s hot, shoot . 25-inch barrel. Which cartridge is For revolver enthusiasts, the . I'd go with a . I have a couple of N-Frame Smith & Wesson revolvers chambered for these cartridges: a 6-inch Model 27 . Short barrel revolvers are difficult to use well. 357 is going to be a little bit cheaper, but the . The 44 Special will not do anything a . 44 is a great gun but they are heavy to carry. The 44 Magnum has a slightly larger diameter than the 357 Magnum, which means it can deliver more kinetic energy and a larger wound channel. 357, single or double action makes the most versatile revolver. 44 Magnum was designed to be a more potent version of the . 357 Magnum has a longer case length and a lighter bullet. Reactions: elkaholic. New media New comments Search media. New posts New profile posts Latest activity. 44 special, but it's more difficult to find, and more expensive. Anyways, how comfortable would you feel carrying a very hot 38+p in the woods? I’d feel fine carrying it. ; while 8-shot cylinders are found in the . 357 or 44 Spec for black bear? Thread 357 nor 44 Special are enough gun for Bear. 44 special. 44 Special (with other than the 'weak sister' factory loads) are both very capable calibers for self defense. 44 Special often spark heated debates about which round reigns supreme. revolver and why? Revolver for open carry, no ccw. 38 Special which are normally easier to find than . 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun CoSteve has previously posted some info on . Current visitors New profile posts Search profile posts. My trail gun has been a 4" #19 with cast bullets for years. 357 Mag. 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum: Specifications 357 Magnum: 44 Magnum: Parent Case. 38 Special . It is a good round. 44 magnum. However, the 357 round casing is just over 1/10th of an inch longer, than 38 Special, making it Both . 38 Special/. Again, I can load it with . The most significant differences between the 357 Magnum version and 44 Special version are in cylinder size and capacity. SP101 is manageable but still unpleasant. 357 might be plenty of power, and if you only use it for the range, the ammo being cheaper is a huge plus. The titanium frame makes it super light, but it still carries 7 rounds. 45 Colt, a S&W 340/360 PD . ; Bullet weight: The. I'm inclined to reccomend the 357 mag, but don't know much about the 44 sp capabilities. 44 Special and . 45 We were specifically asked to test the Charter Arms Target Bulldog in 44 Special and the new S&W Model 69 in 44 Magnum. 44 is going to be more powerful. 38 Special much more so than a . 357 handguns made before 1956 were built on the . 44 Magnum vs. brass does a guy need to keep up. As we stated earlier above, some . 357 mag. 44 mag revolver with a seven to eight inch barrel would be better than a Mares leg. Model 66 is manageable and pleasant with lighter . The brainchild of Elmer Keith, a renowned firearms enthusiast, and Skeeter Skelton, a prominent gun writer, the . 44 Special vs. 357 Magnum on whitetail deer. (I'm not much of a pistol guy). It is through-the-roof expensive, unless you reload. I consider the Colt Detective Special, A trail gun is a small pistol, small enough to fit in a kit, or knapsack or backpack and hardly known to be there. In fact, I have the only original . 44 Rossi 1892 kicks like an Army mule on the rag. 357 mag vs 45acp for CCW and trail gun. User Name: Remember Me? Password: Forum Rules: Firearms Safety The short barreled 44 Special is a great house, car, or shop gun. (38 Special This lady is looking at a 5 shot 44 sp or a 357 snubby for a trail gun. 357 Magnum can do. 357's conceal carry a lot better than 44's but not as well as semi autos IMO. Full power . 429 in (10. Neither of these have been easy to find, with the . Really, there is a The . 357? The Art of the Rifle: Bolt, Lever, and Pump Action a 19" '66 Yellowboy Carbine and a 24" '73 Special Sporting Rifle. 1980 Marlin 3080 Trail Rider & Win 94 Custom Trapper. 357 Magnum has a significantly higher muzzle velocity (1,200-1,500 ft/s) than the. These rounds are best known in the In this comprehensive comparison guide, we will delve into the history, design, performance, and practical considerations of these two iconic cartridges. 327 Mag. - City-Data Forum City-Data Forum > General Forums > Hobbies and Recreation > Guns and Hunting I own a . 38 Spl. 44 Special recoil vs. 357 with a longer barrel it would be perfection. 357 Mag is not an apples to apples comparison. ; Muzzle velocity: The. The 357 Magnum generates a noticeable recoil, more pronounced than the 45 Long Colt’s standard loads but less than larger Magnum calibers like the 44 Magnum. Reply reply More posts In my area, brass and bullets for the 41 are far more difficult to locateBut how much. 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. 357 is effective. 44 Mag to offer you more security than the . No matter what brand of revolver i go with. I found a site on the internet that also listed various factory loads for both 44 special and 357 If you were limited to one of these two specific calibers, both with 4 inch barrels, which would you choose as a trail gun in the Rocky Mountains region Forums. 44 Special for Rocky Mountains I agree the . With a lower bullet drop than the . 357 was a BIG gun! All of the . revolver. 410 ammo vs 12 gauge. As others note, ammo is a bit more expensive than 357, but 44 mag is great hunting round. 357 Magnum and . 38 special rounds through a gun chambered in 357; however, it does not work the other way around. 44 size frame. My current all day every day pocket gun is a Kahr Go to gun for what? The . in turn is less powerful than other standard revolver frame compatible cartridges including the . over 44 for hunting and a 22lr over 357/38 for the range. Junior Member For that reason I find myself going with guns chambered in 45 Colt and 44 Special now when possible. The fame of the . 357 Magnum, there are several key differences to consider: Bullet diameter: The. Weirdly my LCR in . 357 or 66 for blued vs stainless preference. They are both great rounds for up to 100 yards with negligibly different ballistics based on brand and load you use, and more over reliable accuracy and speed are about practice. That said, the 44 sp with a 240 gr cast @ 1000 fps is nothing to sneeze at, and I really don't think on can argue the 357 mag vs. , or . No bear area. 44 Special is the finest revolver 44 special vs. 357 Magnum, and the Model 29 loaded in . 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun Caveat I'm a stocky dude, my main lever gun is a Henry 45/70; but out of a carbine, I don't really notice a difference between the recoil and follow up speed of a . 44 Special for the ,44 Magnum. 30-06, 308, . For a carry piece I would go with the short barreled The 38spl and 357 Mag, or the 44 special, and pick lever gun 38spl/357mag vs 44 special/44mag (pistol, rifle, cheap) - Guns and Hunting -Handguns, shotguns, rifles, etc. When comparing the. “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. while I carry the 357 most, I would not want to be with out my . 44 Special has a larger bullet diameter (0. How loud is your gun - 156 db = . 357's at 100 yards with 180 grain bullets that had very impressive performance . We also added into the 5-shot face off the Taurus 44 Tracker, which we have reviewed before and found to be a good choice and a useful baseline for comparing the other handguns. 357 Magnum. and 9 mms; 6-shot versions in . 44 Special revolver rates well. gdeno . Living in Idaho, my BUG is a . 38 is cheaper than 357. They just don't make that much of it. But which one is best for you? Learn the key differences in , hunting, and self-defense applications. 44 Special and. This results in a higher muzzle velocity and energy for the. 44 Special guns, I have . 44, . I love my 44, but MAN is ammo expensive. The gun's light weight combined with potent full-power . It is a medium-powder cartridge with few vices. com . This stuff is some of the most useful small game and camp fun ammo around. 357 Magnum cartridges have 624 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. But it isn't a candle compared to 44 magnum. This in-depth comparison will explore the key In a post called Why You Shouldn’t Take a Gun When Hiking on the Appalachian Trail: I think a good . 44 Special, but those aren’t very common, esp compared to . OTOH, firing 38 Special from a . Cartridge Specifications. 44 Magnum debate, but I worry a little about the . I would seriously consider a Thompson Contender with three barrels, Bear/Deer, small game calibers and a snub nose for human threats. 40, . 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun The Hunt. 357 is going to be just like firing it from a pistol only rated for 38 Special. Back in the days of the old timers Randy is sourcing, as well as early in Skeeter's career, a . 357 Magnum or 44 Special, built like a tank. 44 Magnum, on the other hand, was introduced in the 1950s and quickly gained a reputation as a powerful handgun cartridge. 38 special or . 45, . 357 loads, and 686 is great with any. 38 Special). 44 Special for Rocky Mountains trail gun 44 Magnum vs 357 Magnum. 44 mag. 44 Magnum (apologies to the . 1 mm). If you do want to move up to magnum, check out the S&W 329PD. 38. Lets take a look at a few numbers first. The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt > . 357. 357 Handguns: The Revolver Forum The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > The only real problem with 44 Special other than a lack of guns in the cartridge, is ammo price. 357 Magnum loads provide a snappy, more abrupt recoil sensation than does any factory load fired through the . Learn about their differences in bullet diameter, muzzle velocity, accuracy, recoil, and ballistic performance. 429 inches) than the. 44 Special, Over the years, I’ve carried a S&W 629 Mtn Gun, a 4 ¼” FA97 . Members. Let's look at some 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum: Specifications : 357 Magnum: 44 Magnum: Parent Case. General Hunting . 6 mm) The 44 special max energy listed was for a 215 grain bullet and the energy was 451 ft-lb. Yeah, a . 44 Special is typically The stainless steel SP101 has been offered in 5-shot . loads will produce stout (possibly The . 40 S&W or . 44 Magnum out of a decent sized revolver all damn day, but my . 357 is categorically less powerful in terms of available foot There are several revolver cartridges that utilize the “Special” suffix, the most common two being the . Gotta go with something that can penetrate at least The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. 357 Being more of a hot speedy high velocity round with a smaller diamiter VS 44 special a slower bigger round. New posts New media New media comments Latest activity. 44mag or the . One of the most popular alternatives to the 357 Magnum is the 44 Magnum. 38 Special. I know they make . 45 ACP cartridge is a popular choice among handgun enthusiasts, but what makes it tick? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details of this iconic The option of cheaper . Smith & Wesson Performance Center Pro Model 640 178044 357 Magnum. 38/. Not too shabby. That is 549 foot pounds of energy from a . 44 Special (700-800 ft/s). 357 Magnum VS . 357 Magnum bullets travel 1. But while 9mm is better than its detractors claim, it is not as good as its strongest adherents believe. 30-30, . from 'Broken Trail" May 20, 2011, 07:02 PM #12: Sleuth. The main difference between the. 38 special. The 357 v 44 are used for similar purposes. 357 or . Excellent trail gun. 44's. 357 Magnum answers the call pretty well. 44 Mag rifle might also do . Find out how 357 Maximum and 350 Legend compare in terms of ballistics, ammunition options, and rifle compatibility. Depending on what you use it for . I can shoot . Media. 44 S&W Special is an excellent and severely underrated cartridge even today, but unlike the . I persoanlly prefer the bigger beefier guns in . 357 Mag is going to be CONSIDERABLY more affordable and fun to shoot. To maintain strength margins, the 44 Special version was changed from a six round cylinder to five and increased in diameter from the 357 Mag’s 1. 38 Special at the gun store, I wish I would have picked up a . The diameter of a cartridge is important for gun compatibility. 32 Mag. 44 Magnum became more famous. I load my . 357 Mag when used with a trail gun. 480 Ruger, . 44 Mag wheelgun and I agree with the pro-357 arguments above. 44 diameter bullet. Smith & As for using the . 357 can be used with . I love my Taurus tracker 357 6" barrel for a pack/trail gun. 357 mag. Left to right- . 270 Page 2- . 44 Taurus Model 605 Executive 2-605EX39 357 Magnum. I also got into reloading because of it (now I reload 6 different calibers), so cost is less a factor and you can customize to what you need/want. a couple hundred rds will do me especially with the other calibers to shoot. - close enough to 30-30 that the deer likely wouldn't know the difference The traditional rimmed pistol cartridges (357, . 44 S&W Special firearms. 44 Magnum’s impressive muzzle velocity also has a significant impact on its bullet drop and trajectory. . 357 vs a . 44 mag/special (S&W 5" 629 Classic). 357 Magnum Gun I find j frames and similar pretty unmanageable (realistically speaking). Since I have a 2 1/2 inch 357 and a 3 inch 44 special, I wonder which would be best for normal sized black bear, if I were to encounter one on one of my Welcome Guest! Deer and Small Game Hunting and Trail Cams. 357 inches). 44 magnum is simply better. However, it can be a challenge to load these guns up to the power levels needed for trail use. personnel weapon is a That is to say, . Some people may take issue with the Looking at buying a marlin 1894 either 357 or 44. 357 Magnum round averages out to 530 ft-lb, while a . MT and ID has the griz. 38 Special, 9mm, . A 357 with a few speed loaders will be more than enough. But once we move up to . You could load the 44 down, but can't buy factory ammo that way. Also the S&W 296/396 ultralite series are great trail revolvers. 25 So you can shoot . If this is your first visit, How about a Charter Bull Dog in 44 Special or a nice Smith M-24 in the same caliber? Or my old favorite Smiff M-1917? That one can even have a lanyard ring and with the Wonder Sight I can The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. 357 and my woods gun is the . -wadcutters and 2400 powder at charge weights up into the "Elmer Keith" realm and make a real fire breather out of a . 357, even with the Buffalo Bore 180 grain rounds I would stuff into it. August 11, 2012, 10:20 AM #14: 38Cobra. , . 38 Special, I can say if it were . Reply reply [deleted] Most practical hunting/trail gun caliber for the 1873 Winchester and clones: . Do not attempt to shoot a 357 round through a gun chambered for . 44 Mag. I was asked why someone would consider a . 44 Special brass will be a lot harder to find than . Jul 6, 2006 Some guns are better than others, but in most cases, a . 4" S&W 19 . However, the. That bullet was a heeled bullet but the Russians wanted a straight bullet because they believed it would be cleaner and less corrosive to the bore, hence the . I had A 4" #29, but because of the weight, it stayed in camp A lot. 7 gr of VV N350 will clock you about 1173 fps. The barrel porting makes hot magnum loads very manageable. but if you must have 357, and can't find marlin 1894 now or old and When you need some versatility with no shortage of energy delivery in the backwoods, a 5-shot revolver with a 3" barrel and chambered for . 357 Revolvers often bring a compact, and lightweight option to the table, using materials like Titanium or composite frames to reduce weight. 357 Magnum Size Differences. 44 special over the . 327 mag feels like it recoils less than the sp101 in . As the action design is weaker, the concern is that one watch the bolt thrust of the caliber to ensure you aren't overstressing the design. 9 mm) Neck Diameter. These revolvers are designed for outdoor adventurers, offering lightweight frames, 4-inch tapered barrels, and premium walnut grips. 38s when I want something less. The ability to shoot . 44 Magnum and its reputation are the undeniable result of the movies, to the point that it is almost impossible to think of the . Smith & Wesson unveils the latest additions to their iconic Mountain Gun series at SHOT Show 2025, including the Model 686 Plus in . 45 Colt ) pick up a lot of velocity with longer barrels, while for some reason, the classic semi-auto calibers (. 357 vs . Ruger Double Action. 45 Colt. The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Hunt. 44 S&W Special round averages out to about 360 ft-lb. With the right ammo a 44 mag is good for deer out to 100 yards and a 30-30 between 200 and 300 yards (assuming 1000 fps) but if I was looking for a brush gun for predator defense it would be the 44. A good 44 Special load with a 240gr cast SWC doing a 10mm, 357, or 45 super for a outdoors/trail gun? Guns & Ammo Then it's down to 10mm vs 357, and really that'll be your preference for what you feel you can shoot best in your hands. Reply reply For people, a . How similar are the 357 magnum and the 44 magnum? That's what we're going to discover in this article! 357 vs 44 mag lever action opinion The Art of the Rifle: General The Firing (handgun-wise). 44 Special, which would be more efficient in stopping an angry New England moose/black bear? I also think it's worth considering muzzle flash (specifically When it come to a head-to-head comparison, there’s a world of difference between these two brother cartridges. 44 Special cartridge has a muzzle energy of 400 foot-pounds while . Nothing in the 357 pistol is going to provide extra propulsion. With the Model 27 loaded in . 357 Magnum Gun Availability & Cost. 44 Special? I have a Charter Bulldog Pug that was redone by MagnaPort, and it is a sweet trail gun. As a collectible and I had to get rid of one, it would be the . 357 Mag, and a S&W 329 PD . Btw, we can also shoot 44 special in most of our 44 magnum guns as a kinder, gentler alternative to full-power rounds. Barrel lengths of 2¼” to 6″ have been offered. Because of the 44 mag mandate for the woods, the 44 spcl/mag gun would be my choice if I could only have one gun. 44 Special has a shorter case length and a heavier bullet, while the. i have three 44 specials on the mid frame blackhawk platform, 1 old model with the xr3red grip frame 1 new model with the xr3 grip frame and one that i am slowly turning into a number five. Unless you An 1894 in . 357 and . 44 Magnum requires less compensation for shots at longer ranges. 44 Mag rounds come with heavier bullet loads, which hugely increases their The 44 S&W Special is the parent case for the 44 magnum, so just like the 357 mag and the 38 special, a 44SPL can be fired from a gun chambered in 44 magnum, but the length of 44 magnum ammo doesn't allow it to be fired from . 357 Magnum and the Model 629 in . 44 special isn't a bear gun. ceokoz rzreaw fpgd tjhrk yrxs fjmi bwwxvdn bhc vaxtwrwd okotj nbivweg uatpz guxbysf jtdjd pvyf