Dhs mmis applications and incarceration changes in circumstance, including a procedure to Update MMIS for Incarcerated MA Enrollees. Counties, DHS, health plans, tribes and other contracted agency staff use MMIS. The county/tribal nation must conduct in-person reassessments for all people when they turn 65 years old if they are on one of the following waivers: · BI Waiver Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF) Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Health Risk Assessment into MMIS for the MSC+ and MSHO Programs, DHS-4669 (PDF) Reopening someone who is 65 years or older to a disability waiver, DHS-7759D Improving: METS/MMIS • METS improvements have continued since its launch in 2013. In the resources section, we added a link to DSD MMIS Reference Guide – MMIS transition from PCA and CSG to CFSS. The Minnesota Department of Human Services maintains a number of manuals relating to the programs and services offered. 2024 DHS MMIS Capitation Dates. The manual does not replace any DHS Guidance. This focus includes expanding program integration and support into the existing Enterprise ForwardHealth system and fully supporting The county/tribal nation cannot edit the CURR LOC/DT field. Reassessment for 65th birthday. 256j. MMIS liaison provides worker with a temporary password. Learn how to use keyboard keys and function keys to navigate MMIS. MAXIS Help . DHS MMIS Security unit reviews requests for access and assigns worker permission to access MMIS. Test Your Knowledge 4: Find out if you know how to reactivate MMIS and print MMIS screens. DSD will update and expand the guide when there are changes in MMIS. Counties and tribal nations can use Service Agreement and Screening Document (SASD) Support Team Portal, DHS 3754 to report issues to DHS. 1, 2024, through Dec. · MMIS does not check spelling. LIVES WITH RESP PARTY: The county/tribal nation cannot edit this field. For details about all manual updates, refer to DSD MMIS Reference Guide. The county/tribal nation only routes SAs with exception codes they cannot resolve. . · 230 – DHS APP PLANNED MISSING/INVALID · 244 – DHS APP CURR MISS · 245 – CODE ENTERED IN THE PAYMENT AUTHORIZED FIELD IS NOT VALID · 725 – DD/RC / RISK STATUS INVALID · 735 – PMT AUTH/FIN ACT/MA SVC INCON · 749 – RISK STATUS/FINAL ACTION INV. Resolve exception codes with a status of 3 (deny) or 4 (suspend) in the ST field that are not DHS reviewer exception codes. Box 13029 Sacramento, CA 95813-4029 California MMIS FI, Out-of-State Unit P. Access to application files varies with the business needs of the workers. Medicaid Management Information System – MMIS MMIS User Manual. A client’s living arrangement may affect health care program eligibility, what services are covered, or what funding source pays for covered services. 10, 2024 To: Lead agencies (counties and tribal nations), case managers, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) data entry staff and other interested parties From: DHS Aging and Adult Services and Disability Services divisions Purpose: To instruct lead agency staff not to make changes to service DHS-703 form. Types of resources include: • Bulletins • eDocs • Health Care • MMIS User Manual . MMIS User Manual: Enrollment staff support for Minnesota's automated system for payment of medical claims and capitation payments for Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) which includes MinnesotaCare, MA, GAMC, and Medicare Supplement Programs. The SASD Support Team provides MMIS technical assistance to lead agencies related specifically to service agreements and screening documents. Back to top. · Added that lead agency staff involved in MMIS entry must review the CFSS MMIS Manual and complete the CFSS MMIS online training when DHS posts the content. 26, 2024, eList announcement. resourcecenter@state. g. The top navigation bar with the blue tabs allows the MMIS Reference Guide user to move to other pages on the DHS Web site: · MHM Communication Form, DHS-6759H; using the “Supporting Documents” reason for communication. Workers with limited MMIS experience or who have not used MMIS recently may also find this course helpful. MMIS assigns a new document number to the new document during the review MMIS is a database that stores MINNESOTA HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS (MHCP) information. Worker does not resolve exception code 140 on a PCA request for increase of PCA due to change in condition following a face-to-face assessment SA. 6 minutes DHS-3427 DHS-3428: DHS-3428A MnCHOICES. Instructions to finalize an SA with DHS reviewer exception codes. NPI Data Dissemination. Worker's supervisor defines business need for MMIS and approves access. Service Agreement and Screening Document (SASD) Support Team. Each agency has one or more MMIS liaisons to assist workers and supervisors with MMIS-related issues. Training. MMIS is a password-protected system that requires a user ID and password to activate a MMIS session. DHS is in the process of replacing personal care assistance (PCA) and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG) with Community First Services and Supports (CFSS). Navigation Links Top navigation. Information in the MMIS PROVIDER FILE is entered by DHS Provider Enrollment staff. When creating or updating a service agreement or screening document in MMIS, the user should DHS is in the process of replacing personal care assistance (PCA) and the Consumer Support Grant (CSG) with Community First Services and Supports (CFSS). MMIS allows three attempts to logon to MMIS before access is suspended. 31, 2024, and the lead agency completes their reassessment on time. When applicable, MMIS posts DHS reviewer exception codes (EC) and automatically routes a Type B SA to DHS for review and finalization. The highlighted column indicates the date the assessment is to be entered into MMIS. Worker must be assigned a Security Group and granted permission to access MMIS by DHS MMIS Security Unit. Click on the hyperlink at the end of each Web page to advance through the reference guides in queue order. Box 1437, · The instructions on DSD MMIS Reference Guide – ASA3 scree n overview. Divisions & Offices: Donaghey Plaza, P. Page updated: 6/11/24. Note: Counties and tribal nations use MMIS. This chapter discusses living arrangements and the proper codes to use to identify them in MMIS. vi. DHS comments field (DHS COMMENTS) When DHS receives an SA routed from a county/tribal nation, DHS enters comments in the DHS COMMENTS field to: · Document actions taken on the SA. , counties and tribal nations), case managers, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) data entry staff and other interested parties From: DHS Disability Services Division Purpose: To inform MMIS users that DHS is fixing an MMIS programming issue for exception code 635 related to Can DHS provide examples of how to enter a service agreement into MMIS for a person currently using PCA or CSG? A person’s current service agreement is from Jan. Contact Us. The information provided in this MMIS Accounting Manual should be accurate as of June 7th, 2019. Please follow along in the system as we explore these resources. M edicaid Management Information System (M MIS) exception codes: A three-digit numeric code MMIS uses when information entered into MMIS is invalid or needs review. · Sign provider agreements with DHS and meet the provider qualifications when the lead agency is the service provider · Follow the policy on CBSM – Lead agency oversight of waiver/AC approval-option service vendors; if choosing to review and approve non-enrolled, worker. The SASD Support Team is a help desk that provides technical assistance to lead agencies and DHS staff for the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), related specifically to screening documents and service agreements in the following areas: It is important to code a client’s living arrangement correctly in the MMIS system. us so DHS staff can enter it into MMIS. NOTE: The exit action date (Field 23) cannot be prior to the current InfoPac makes reports, created by DHS (MAXIS, MMIS, and PRISM applications,) available for viewing on a monitor (“online reports”. DSD MMIS Reference Guide - MMIS transition from PCA and CSG toCFSS \(state. DSD MMIS Reference DSD MMIS Reference Guide DHS Home PartnerLink Home Manuals Home Bulletins Advanced Search. DHS continues to test and fix bugs in MMIS. There are two service agreement types for the DD Waiver program. Workers must update (change) their MMIS password every 30 days. DHS Policies; Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram. For MNsure contact information, refer to DHS – MNsure. Providing new users with instructions for launching MMIS. 9 6791E-Demographic Information • Open two sessions in MMIS: inquiry mode and change mode • Navigate to their specific queue by entering their county number into system is called the ND MMIS Web Portal. 109 County 4 - Suspend, no force ERROR: The exit Action Date is before the service agreement header end date. Refer to the following instructional manuals when using MMIS to view or add a LTC screening document: · Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF). Learn about MMIS prompts, time out screens and how to personalize settings. REVIEWER/DD ACTION: None. Per the DHS edoc 4669, MMIS entry manual, the instructions are to enter Worker must be assigned a Security Group and granted permission to access MMIS by DHS MMIS Security Unit. PCA/CFSS SA instructions. Workers must contact their MMIS liaison for assistance when MMIS access suspends because of a password violation. MMIS auto-populates this field overnight based on the entry in the OVR LOC field on the ASA2 screen. MMIS liaison can assist users with how to change default settings. 10/1/24. MMIS updates MMIS training for counties/tribal nations. Resources. In modernizing the dated MMIS system, Illinois has addressed previous challenges, including support for advanced administrative functions, such as claims processing from · MMIS limits comments to four pages with a maximum of 13 lines of text on each page. DHS updated CFSS T ransition T imelines to reflect the change described in the Nov. DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Finalize a type B service agreement for PCA/CFSS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – AHC3 screen for PCA/CFSS DHS intends to focus on MMIS components where improvements are needed and not replace the entire MMIS. LAUNCH MMIS SESSION Tasks to be completed before worker is able to access MMIS. The grid on page 1 is based on the DHS calendar outlining enrollment and capitation dates. The DHS For more information, see Instructions for C ompleting and En tering the LTCC Screening Document and Service A greement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF). Can DHS transfer existing provider information into the new system? No, provider enrollment is necessary to collect additional data elements required by the new MMIS and to ensure the North Dakota Medicaid provider records are up to date and in compliance with Temporary waiver exits and restarts: MMIS actions. MMIS automatically routes the screening document or service agreement to DHS when DHS reviewer codes post on a document. Hide table of contents. Data is entered into MMIS and stored in separate areas depending on the type of information. 6. · The instructions on DSD MMIS Reference Guide – ASA3 scree n overview. 23, 2024 To: Lead agencies (counties and tribal nations), case managers, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) data entry staff and other interested parties From: DHS Aging and Adult Services and Disability Services divisions Purpose: To notify lead agency staff they may resume entering MMIS 2025 DHS MMIS Capitation Dates. Instructions for CFSS Assessment, DHS-6893A. The dates are subject to change per DHS. Find out if you know how keyboard keys and function keys are used to navigate MMIS. MMIS PROVIDER FILE APPLICATION contains information about all medical providers enrolled as Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) providers, including heath plans that are participating as managed care plans. State of California Page posted: 7/1/04: Page reviewed: 11/29/22: Page updated: 3/27/23: Background. ASA2 screen. · Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF) for information on all other screens. Fill out Medical Eligibility Application. MMIS will repeat navigation command each time a key is pressed. Page posted: 7/1/04: Page reviewed: 11/29/22: Page updated: 3/27/23: Background. Security Groups: Define and grant access to the MMIS applications a worker needs for their job. 4. MMIS Reference Guide – Type B home care service agreement MMIS reason codes DSD MMIS Reference Guide – AHC1 screen for PCA/CFSS CFSS Individual Service Delivery Plan, DHS-6893P Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF). Lead agencies must be aware of the previous waiver span when entering developmental disabilities (DD) screening documents into MMIS for people who are continuing on the DD Waiver at For scenarios and guidelines, see Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF). The county/tribal nation enters the person’s SA into MMIS to: MMIS instructions. What is a Capitation/Cut-off Date? • DHS releases dates each year indicating when Elderly Waiver (EW) assessments need to In addition, this division must monitor, track and project the state and federal budget and funds for MMIS related activities and ensure vendors are meeting their contractual obligation: and is the lead to identify requirements and priorities with the MMIS vendor and BIS on the CMS mandated T-MSIS reporting. Press keyboard key only once to trigger navigation in MMIS. MMIS EDI HelpDesk:(855) 248-7536. Information in this subsystem is used to ensure that only DHS enrolled providers are reimbursed for medical claims. Box 13077 Sacramento, CA 95813-4077 Change Address (or income, name, or employment) Local County Offices MMIS PROVIDER FILE APPLICATION. Click on the KEYBOARD icon on the toolbar menu. DHS review process. DHS updates MMIS with the selected health plan for the next available month based on Managed Care Enrollment Cut-Off Date; 5. The major program MA needs to remain open. gov. DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Finalize a type B service agreement for PCA/CFSS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Type B home care service agreement MMIS reason codes DSD MMIS Reference Guide – AHC1 screen for PCA/CFSS Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF) MMIS Manual posted • eList announcement was sent today • DSD MMIS Reference Guide - MMIS transition from PCA and CSG to CFSS (state. · MMIS does not wrap text. If MMIS posts DHS reviewer exception codes the county/tribal nation cannot resolve, the county/tribal nation routes the SA to DHS. This resource page replaced PCA Assessment and Service Plan Instructions and Guidelines, DHS-3244A. Permission is requested by agency MMIS liaison. S. 1, 2025 Lead agency (county and tribal nation) staff must refrain from adding or making changes to all service agreements for waivers and state plan services (including Type B service agreements), and programs from Dec. To view a list of screening documents and select a document to view: The DHS MMIS Security unit grants permission to access MMIS. Press F9 again to clear exception codes. What can you do in the Provider Portal. · Fax to 651-431-7745. DHS removed the following fields from MMIS: FSG, ASST/MED, TREAT/MNT, SEIZURES, SELF INJURIES, HURT OTHERS, HABITS, LEVEL3BEH, I/SADL, APPL/EQUIP. For instructions about sending secure emails, refer to CBSM – How to exchange private and protected information via email with DHS. 1. DHS reviewer codes post when a document requires review by DHS staff. CA-MMIS Fiscal Intermediary P. • MMIS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Type B h ome c are s ervice a greement MMIS r eason codes DSD MMIS Reference Guide – AHC1 screen for PCA/CFSS DHS – CFSS SA calculators Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF) DHS – CFSS codes and rates • DHS is making updates to the form based on feedback from lead agencies Minnesota Department of Human Services | mn. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The SASD Support Team is a help desk that provides technical assistance to lead agencies and DHS staff for the Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), related specifically to screening documents and service agreements in the following areas: 542 (mmis enters reason code 542 automatically on t1019 u5 line): this is a 10-day notice that the recipient's personal care assistance (pca) services are being reduced due to new assessment information received by dhs. DHS reviewer resolves 140 codes. Enter a Type R service agreement for DD conversion waiver. DHS clarified instructions to adjust a person’s units to match the length of their service agreement on DSD MMIS Reference G uide – ASA3 screen overview. Manuals. Enter the correct value and press F9 to re-edit the document. 3. MMIS transition information Page posted: 10/1/03: Page reviewed: 1/8/10: Page updated: Definition. gov/dhs. The purpose of this course is to acquaint new MMIS users with how to navigate MMIS. sect. 31, subd. AASD and DSD eList announcement . DHS is working to post new forms and documents for CFSS. DSD MMIS Reference Guide General MMIS information (applications, MMIS displays the valid values (codes and dates) in fields that detail the recipient’s screening history. Lead agency staff cannot resolve DHS reviewer exception codes. The Managed Care Enrollment staff DSD MMIS Reference Guide – ASA1 screen for PCA/CFSS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – ASA3 screen overview DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Finalize a type B SA for PCA/CFSS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Type B home care SA MMIS reason codes Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and S A into MMIS, Sign-Up for MMIS eBlasts and Email Updates. Let’s look at the online help available to Should you have questions about enrollment or need assistance, call 1-877-782-5565 to speak to a Provider Enrollment specialist. Learn about how MMIS is structured. If MMIS posts DHS reviewer exception codes the county/tribal nation cannot resolve, the county/tribal nation routes the SA to Information about how to enter a personal care line on the ASA3 screen in MMIS for a PCA or CFSS service agreement. MMIS password and MMIS liaison Contact: dhs. DHS Home PartnerLink Home Manuals Home Bulletins Advanced Search. If the OVR LOC field is blank, MMIS determines the entry in the CURR LOC/DT field. The enrollee gets a Notice of Health Plan Enrollment indicating what health plan they are enrolled in and the effective date. Lead agencies should review and when possible, resolve what caused the exception code to post. MMIS training opportunities. RECIPIENT FILE APPLICATION The Recipient subsystem hold information for every person who was screened through the Long Term Care Consultation process or who applied for public programs. Agency for International Development or the U. These manuals provide general guidance to a variety of users and are subject to change resulting from subsequent DHS bulletins, amended or superseding state and federal laws, or other correspondence from the MMIS automation process for Jan. Data entered in MMIS enables consumers to access needed medical services. . us. DSD eList announcement . Box 15507 Sacramento, CA 95852-1507 California MMIS FI, SPBU P. stat. Check your knowledge about permission to access MMIS and MMIS password rules. MMIS process for DD Waiver reassessments. These enrollees receive health care through fee for service (FFS) which means the provider submits claims directly to the Minnesota Department of Human Services Illinois is in the process of modernizing its 30 year old Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) system. To authorize extended home care services for people on EW who are enrolled in an MCO, the care coordinator follows the MCO’s procedure, unless the person receives case management through a MMIS also excludes enrollees systematically in some situations. This Use pla ceholder code X5609 to account for services in MMIS for which the MCO is responsible for payment (see Instructions for completing and entering the LTCC screening document and service agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 [PDF]). Government information and does not represent the views or positions of the U. You will explore the help available to you within MAXIS, the DHS Public Website, CountyLink, and the DHS SIR website . O. The Oregon Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Provider Portal gives you free, real-time information about Oregon Health Plan (OHP) member eligibility, member coordinated care organization (CCO) enrollment, fee-for-service claim status, prior authorization status, and more. A few notable improvements include updates to the METS/MMIS interface functionality, renewals process improvements, reduced creation of duplicate personal IDs, and improved accuracy in federal reimbursement claims (saving millions of State dollars). After the training, participants will be able to enter CFSS service agreements in The DSD MMIS Reference Guide instructions follow the MMIS queue order. ATTENTION! The login screen for accessing the MMIS User Manual looks different but the login credentials have not changed. This course explains the purpose and use of this document and identifies other LTCC documents and forms. The MMIS User Manual is available online. ICF, 530 Gaither Road, Suite 500, Rockville, MD 20850 Tel: +1 301 407-6500 * Fax: +1 301 407-6501 The information provided on this Web site is not official U. The information in this manual is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. MNsure. FISCAL INT: The county/tribal nation cannot edit this field. Learning objectives. , county queue, DHS’ queue). DHS Home | Aging| Disabilities. To route the SA to DHS, the county/tribal nation: 1. To finalize a service agreement with DHS reviewer exception codes posted: 1. Government. The document will route automatically to DHS. MMIS uses the MPET to assign the correct benefit set and Federal Financial Participation (FFP) amount to each MinnesotaCare enrollee. are now posted on the Care Coordination Hub under Tools and Forms> Miscellaneous. · Secure email to movinghomemn. Mainframe Display icon is installed on worker's computer. The DHS review process results in the creation of a new DD screening document. · Added MMIS entry instructions to the behaviors section. DHS will mail the enrollee a Minnesota Health Care Program (MHCP) member ID card. DHS reviewer exception codes have a status of 3 (deny) or 4 (suspend). Date: Dec. The county/tribal nation enters the person’s SA into MMIS to: MMIS training opportunities. MMIS system is used to PAY MEDICAL CLAIMS submitted by MHCP providers. Informing workers of current MMIS password requirements. Instructions for skilled nursing telehomecare visits MMIS is the acronym for Medicaid Management Information System. Table of Contents | DSD MMIS Reference guide | Instructions for LTC SD and SA | Resources. In response to the COVID-19 national public health emergency, DHS updated policy and procedures to ensure continuity of care for people in PE Individuals must come into the DHS/MAP offices to complete a full Medicaid application to ensure continued eligibility and to ensure vimmis@dhs. 23, 2024 To: Lead agencies (counties and tribal nations), case managers, Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) data entry staff and other interested parties From: DHS Aging and Adult Services and Disability Services divisions Purpose: To notify lead agency staff they may resume entering MMIS AASD and DSD eList announcement . The combination of the major program and the eligibility type is called the MPET. · Added a general comments field to the behaviors section. · Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document into MMIS for the SNBC Program, DHS-5020A (PDF). Use of mouse clicking is minimal and generally not recommended. 7. Codebook, or the MMIS II Waiver Reference Manual for the valid action type. • Submit HPEN tickets to DHS for MA enrollees enrolled in managed care at any point during their incarceration period. us) 9. For more information and instructions, refer to Self-paced online course: CFSS MMIS Updates Training. Learn about MMIS password use and maintenance. QUICK REFERENCE TABLES SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 MMIS-II ACCOUNTING MANUAL QUICK 2024 DHS MMIS Capitation Dates. MMIS Basic Navigation course training goals are as follows: Understand how MMIS is organized. Date: March 4, 2025 To: Lead agencies (i. Use a conversion waiver when the recipient resides in a facility and is converting to a community For MinnesotaCare contact information, refer to DHS – MinnesotaCare. ) InfoPac also lets you print selected pages, sections, or a full copy of an online report on a printer in your county office. Free, Real-Time Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Information Online. The DSD MMIS Reference Guide contains instructions to enter screening documents and service agreements into MMIS for Disability Services Division (DSD) programs. Worker must contact their MMIS liaison for assistance when MMIS access is suspended for a password violation. Use information on the Service Agreement form DHS-3070 to complete MMIS service agreement fields for DD Waiver program. EW. DSD MMIS Reference Guide PCA/CFSS type B service agreement Type B ASA3 screen for personal If worker forgets or miskeys their password, MMIS will post a warning message that password does not match record on file. 24 minutes * MMIS Training Companion Guide (under construction) 6 Introduction to the LTC Screening Document . COVID-19 information. MMIS system updates. mfp@state. Per the DHS edoc 4669, MMIS entry manual, the instructions are to enter 140 – HEADER/ LINE ITEM STATUS SUSPENDED. DHS MMIS Security unit assigns one or more MMIS Security Groups for permissions requested. mn. Assessment DHS-3427T 7 Viewing the LTC and HRA Screening Document MMIS system updates. DSD offers two self-paced online learning modules specific to MMIS and the disability and aging home and community-based programs. This guide is intended to help you view and print reports online using InfoPac. 3 and Dec. e. MMIS transition information MinnesotaCare Major Program Eligibility Type (MPET) All MinnesotaCare enrollees are assigned to a major program and an eligibility type. 861 – HOME CARE RATING MISSING/INV posts when SA date span is 45 days or less and MMIS routes SA to DHS. us\) DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Finalize a type B service agreement for PCA/CFSS DSD MMIS Reference Guide – Type B home care service agreement MMIS reason codes DSD MMIS Reference Guide – AHC1 screen for PCA/CFSS Instructions for Completing and Entering the LTCC Screening Document and Service Agreement into MMIS, DHS-4625 (PDF) DHS Reviewer. The MMIS User Manual requires a username and password to access its content. Requesting temporary password for workers when MMIS password is Learn about the role of MMIS liaison. Organization of MMIS. DHS created a new self-paced training video to explain updates to MMIS that will allow counties/tribal nations to enter CFSS service agreements in MMIS. located at the top of the keyboard. Through this secure and easy to use internet portal, healthcare providers can submit claims and inquire on the status of their claims, inquire on a patient’s eligibility, upload files containing 837 transactions, and search for another provider. MMIS Security Groups. us\) DSD MMIS Reference Guide - MMIS transition from PCA and CSG toCFSS \(state. This step was taken, in large part, to meet federal requirements in the Affordable Care Act. MMIS liaison is responsible for: Requesting MMIS access for workers. 12-20, 2024, or until DHS gives lead agencies the “all clear” message. Process and procedures. minn. The Provider subsystem supports claims processing. This field describes the SA’s current location (e. CFSS resources. kqkq wxmvmv hbeiwyr uag xgmckphi pqgeh ohxzk ozbby qras bvc afz chno etrj hagu otyj