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Fanuc apc apz meaning you might have to move the axis to zero and reset again depending on if you can move it in handle or not from the 1815 APC & APZ are the bits that are for zero, When you set APZ to one you have set home at that point. After the battery died, It shows APC alarm and reference positions lost. Like all things Fanuc, it's a convoluted, somewhat confusing procedure requiring 2 power downs. Mar 4 parameter 1815 has Apc set to 1 and APZ set to 0 when i try to change the zero to 1 it says "write protect" The machine is an Ajax spark X with fanuc series io - mate. First the message was " AXIS NEED ZRN ". Alm 000 will apear to power off the control. @yclkorkmaz I have a custom machine with 3 fanuc servos. i also done steps written in maintenance manual 13. W 597,866 members. I am working on the initial setup for the machine and am having problems setting the Zero Reference Return position (parameter 1815). 18. My CNCzone this problem can be solve when u change 1815 parameter for APC and APZ from 0 to 1. Machine had its battery drained out & we got them changed. 5(APC) you can zero this position using 1815. If APZ is 0 you get a 300 alarm indicating that you must re-establish the reference position. Alarm must power down will appear, DO NOT POWER OFF; Hi, I have made a converter for the original red cap pulse coder. RETURN DS0300 (B) APC ALARM: NEED If its anything like the latter controls, APC & APZ are just single bits, you MPG the axis to the correct position, the alarm listing in the fanuc manual APC (absolute Pulse coder alarm) alarm 300 - n axis need ZRN -MAnual reference position return is required for the nth Fanuc 16i on Robodrill T14Alpha often throws alarm 300 APC axis need ZRN. Power Fitted with a "Harrison-GE Fanuc 21 i control. I am in Australia so I may give Fanuc a call today. FANUC tape drill mate-MODEL T (with FANUC series O-MC (32-bits)) Replaced batteries with machine off and APC ALARMS came on. Once APC encoder backup battery was dead, it was replaced. How do I parameter 1815 has Apc set to 1 and APZ set to 0 when i try to change the zero to 1 it says "write protect" The machine is an Ajax spark X with fanuc series io - mate. Parameter change In this video detail explanation of how to set reference of CNC machine . "Hey, have you tried P + Can". George DS036 (Z)APC ALARM : BATTERY VOLTAGE 0 When I look at 1815, APZ for Z-axis is shown as 0 (For X and Y axes, it is 1) I cannot make it 1 directly. Tony 08-13-2014, 12:13 AM #10. I have another problem with the Machine the alarm relates to an axis that is controlled with a servo motor. What is APZ in FANUC Parameter CNC? APZ is an abbreviation used in FANUC parameter setting, which stands for "Axial Position-Z Offset" [1]. It's constantly showing APC 307 low battery alarm for one of the axes (Z-axis). Power on the control pressing letter (P) and the cancel (CAN) key and keep them depressed until the CRT Display comes up plus an additional 5 seconds. 1 input , Hello guys! I have a Mori Seiki NV4000 DCG center and i am totally stucked with this alarm message. In simpler terms, APZ is a parameter that adjusts the machine’s worktable position relative to the spindle axis. Then I cycle power, and the alarm is gone. Tony. You can move the axis to the place you want the reference position to be and set APZ to 1 then cycle power. alexfanuc. Y. nth-axis (n=1-8) APC battery voltage has decreased to a low level so that the data cannot be held. When setting home position of z-axis with 1815. Thank you in advance, D Similar Threads: Changing the parameters for ballscrew Fanuc 15M; 1815. Please can anybody help me with this ? What it means? Is it something about lost memory? :idea: If it is parameters memory The machine is a SMTCL 850B, Fanuc Series oi mate -Model D. It shits me to death. My problem occurs when I try to adjust the zero of the turret to the work piece in parameter 1850 (grid shift). And, more important, it is old "Fanuc i series" with CRT, even "0i" is not mentioned nowhere. Now perform this procedure for the Y and Z axis. Does anyone have info, at least the pinout, but if you have any more details like the serial format or what the control sends to make the encoder transmit the position, I'd be very the alarm relates to an axis that is controlled with a servo motor. Thay đổi tham số APC từ 0 lên 1. 5. Hopefully this helps someone in the future or I can come back to this if my battery dies again. b–63525en/02 6. If the system does not allow this directly, set them to 0, then to 1, and back to 1. Next, APC is again made 1. Turned it on yesterday after it had set idle for some time and i get the following error: Alarm:" 300 APC Alarm: Z Axis need ZRN" In particular, APC can greatly reduce the time required to produce a part, as well as improve the accuracy of the finished product. Press the Setting Softkey. The ballscrew for the axis in question needs to do at least one full revolution to pick up the marker pulse, or the zero position can not be set. Re written APC columns for Z,Y,Z columns to (1), servo off, power cycle and reference return worked as normal, no more alarms. See note below. I've never ran this machine before so it is all new. In MDI press the Offset Setting Key. Here is what you are doing: When the parameter 1815 APZ column changes to a zero, this means the absolute encoder in the respective axis has lost its zero position. This is only an example and not your positions, lol. After setting the APC and APZ bits to 1 and cycling the power, the axis' will Hi, I have the same or very similar problem with Fanuc Oi Mate -TC, battery alarm along with APC - 300 on bith Z and X axis, battery i replaced and that alarm went off however i'm still stuck with the other one. My CNCzone on them we just jog to where we want home to be, turn off apc/apz, cycle power, turn on apc, cycle power turn on apz, cycle power and its content that A numeric value after N represents a parameter number. 17. You might need the door closed to jog the slides or the interlock bypass switch on. RETURN DS0300 (Z) APC ALARM: NEED REF. If i set APZ to 1 by first set APC to 0 then APZ to 1 after that APC to 1, but after swithing power off and on APZ changes its state to 0 from 1 automatically. I first have to make APC 0. You can move the How to set zero return position for fanuc controls. You push and hold those in before you turn the power on. The 2 (x12/4000Vis) have absolute pulse coders. when i opened to see the parameter 1815 APC was 1 and APZ was 0 on both axis, when i modified APC to 0 the alarm went off, and the machine works now, either way if you look at parameter 1815 should see APC column and APZ column toggle to B-axis under the APC column and type in "0" go to APZ column and insert a "1" then change APC back to "1". input and output of data [(oprt)] and. Hi, I have the same or very similar problem with Fanuc Oi Mate -TC, battery alarm along with APC - 300 on bith Z and X axis, battery i replaced and that alarm went off however i'm still stuck with the other one. The apc alarm is for both x and y axis. The machine works perfectly, though APC in yellow still blinks continuously. The control will want you to cycle power. CNC repair is defined by Tri Star CNC Services, the premiere CNC service, CNC parts and FANUC parts distributor. Re FANUC tape drill mate-MODEL T (with FANUC series O-MC (32-bits)) Replaced batteries with machine off and APC ALARMS came on. 19. In simple terms, 1815 APZ is the bit that disconnects the encoder absolute from the control, or simply unlocks it from the control. I managed to turn off the alarm. Fanuc. If you are changing more than 1 axis 1815 APC & APZ are the bits that are for zero, When you set APZ to one you have set home at that point. This now set the zero return position. Thanks! 06-22-2012, 09:56 PM #4. 589,449 members. Pls help me Hello, I have a Hyundai - Kia HX630 horizontal machining center with the Fanuc 18iMB controller. Joined Jun 22, 2004 Location Melbourne Australia. Battery or cable may be faulty. Press OFFSET/SETTING key, then soft key SETTING to select a setting screen. Need help getting rid of a. Site Areas; Settings; Private Messages; In simple terms, 1815 APZ is the bit that disconnects the encoder absolute from the control, or simply unlocks it from the control. Change the value shown to 1. This will delete the current reference zero. In addition, CNC also throws up Alarm 90 (REFERENCE RETURN INCOMPLETE) when we hit B+ button in Ref mode. Now when I start the machine I get a 910 RAM Parity (4N) alarm so I think my dumb mistake wiped all the parameters. Quick Navigation Fanuc Top. Alarm Description. I left the machine on, and changed out the batteries It's a pretty straight forward procedure for most machines with Fanuc 300 APC/APZ battery alarms. machtool Diamond. Đối với hệ điều khiển FANUC, sau một thời gian dài sử dụng máy. zavateandu. CNC Machine Control Manufacturer. Cycle the power of the control. Máy đôi khi sẽ xuất hiện lỗi cảnh báo: 310 APC ALARM: X AXIS NEED ZRN . dandrummerman21 Stainless. 5 (APC) to “1” for both X & Z Turn power off, then back on at main isolator. 4 (APZ) to “0” for both X & Z Set parameter 1815. i also done steps written in maintenance manual(B-64305EN/04) (PAGE NUMBER 488) but problem not solved any idea Fanuc Resetting home position after switching batteries | Fanuc 300 APC Alarm Z Axis Need Ref ReturnHello दोस्तों इस वीडियो में हमने पूरी I recently bought a denford cyclone with Fanuc 21i control, it has been in storage for a while so i wasn't expecting it to start up without throwing up a few errors. View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Dec 2009 Because you have a "1" in parameter 1815. Change PWE=1 to Fanuc; Need Help!-ds0309(x1) APC ALARM: ref. Since my machine has pallet changer as well, I had a pallet axis servo alarm , which according with the technician who was here last time , if the palett servo axis servo alarm shows again , means I need to replace the battery related to that servo as well. When you turn it The machine is a millturn DOOSAN PUMA 2600LSY with fanuc i-series control We have the following alarms: PS0302 SETTING THE REFERENCE POSITION WITHOUT DOG IS NOT PERFORMED (after trying to zero the axes) DS0300 (Y) APC ALARM: NEED REF. Press the emergency stop button. Is there any parameter I have to change for the pre-warnings of APC 'APC Blinking' (battery Low). The machine is a millturn DOOSAN PUMA 2600LSY with fanuc i-series control We have the following alarms: PS0302 SETTING THE REFERENCE POSITION WITHOUT DOG IS NOT PERFORMED (after trying to zero the axes) DS0300 (Y) APC ALARM: NEED REF. 22. 4---APZ Move your axis to the location where you want the new home position to be then make it a 0 (You will get an alarm to power off, Fanuc Resetting home position after switching batteries | Fanuc 300 APC Alarm Z Axis Need Ref ReturnHello दोस्तों इस वीडियो में हमने पूरी APC 300 ALARM!!!! DS0300 NEED REF RETURN-FANUC Oi Mate-TD | Fanuc Home Position ResetHi friends, Welcome to our YouTube channel HPDC & CNC SOLU i set the apz 1 and restart the machine so automatic apz was 0. If APZ indicates a lost home position, you need to reset it. Under APZ set them all to 1 if they are 1 set them all to Yes it shpuld work but always go for genuine fanuc parts Here you can solve the issue of APC/APZ: 1. ' lyrics are actually about. Last edited by fordav11; 11-21-2012 at 05:27 PM "300 APC ALARM : 'nth-axis origin return' The name of the axis is indicated i turn APZ bit 4 to zero for [4] axis. We have these two alarms on an OKK MCH-600 Mill. parameter 1815 APC and APZ used to reference all the axis . You will get this when the battery goes dead as we hie all, in marshall roboturn xl machine there is 4 cnc's having oi td series with one robo and in one cnc machine displaying alarm( DS0309(X1) APC ALARM: REF. I have managed to regain the reference positions on both x and z axis through parameter 1815. Last edited: May 15, 2008. These FANUC Alarms are valid for following FANUC Controls: for the Fanuc series 16i, 18i, 21i controls. How to set zero return position for fanuc controls. Log in. underthetire. Does anyone have info, at least the pinout, but if you have any more details like the serial format or what the control sends to make the encoder transmit the position, I'd be very Rosé and Bruno Mars' song 'APT. Turned it on for the first time today and it showed many errors 401 SERVO ALARM :X AXIS VERDY OFF 438 X AXIS:INV. Change PWE back to zero. Alarm must power down will appear, DO NOT POWER OFF; Reset ZRN '97 Robodrill Fanuc 16I. fanuc alarm DS0300: APC The machine is a Mori Seiki DL150Y with MSC-518 control. Fanuc alarm: 306 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery voltage 0. Regards Phil. manual reference point return on a fanuc 0-m ? i need the procedure . If you need phone support just message me Fanuc alarm DS0300: APC ALARM NEED REF RETURN will come if battery of drive gets low For the method you can search a video which will be easier for understanding. 306 - APC alarm: nth-axis battery voltage 0. 2. 16. In simpler terms, APZ is a APZ is a flag that indicates that the reference position is known. Once in the correct position, turn APC How to set zero return position for fanuc CNC controls. HIỆN LỖI APC TRÊN MÁY CNC FANUC. Absolute axis with dead battery's. when i opened to see the parameter 1815 APC was 1 and APZ was 0 on both axis, when i modified APC to 0 the alarm went off, and the hi gents, i have an alarm on (vmc) fanuc Oi-mc, alarm number 300 it says x axis need zero, y axis need zero i had this alarm after i change the 2 batteries for (APC) after got low voltage ,and now when i switch the machine on i can't call the axis to home position, and got alarm number 300 my question is how can i call axis to home position and reset the alarm ? 4. input. means the absolute encoder in the respective axis has lost its zero position. Change PWE=1 to I have a Tsugami Swiss Lathe with Fanuc 16iTB control The APC blinking message not shown on the screen when battery is about to die. ' is sung partly in Korean but what does apateu mean? Here's what their 'APT. 20. I figure out how to remove the alarms by following the procedude of 1835 bit 4 parameters . 3. Subsequently all 3 linear axis (x, y, z) were re hi, iam new here, and need urgent help with a supermax fv 56 vmc, it have a fanuc 18 and a apc conection wire was broken,, since that moment i have this alarms: 300 apc alarm : x axis need zero return 300 apc alarm : y axis need zero return 306 apc alarm : x axis battery zero 350 spc alarm : x axis pulse coder 351 spc alarm : x axis comunication, How to set zero return position for fanuc controls. After changing these Hy, I have a strange problem on a 3 axis Fanuc servo drive A06B-6117-H303. Adjusting gridshift and 2nd Zero Reference return position for tool changer and pallet changer. yardbird Titanium. One of the key benefits of using APC is that it allows the machine to automatically generate a 4. it's giving the 300 APC ALARM : x axis need zrn z axis need zrn 09-01-2022, 08:06 AM #2. 4 X to 0 (APZ). Power down then alarm should clear. Then release P and Cancel keys . APZ lúc này bằng 0. I made a mistake in my post above. Thank you in advance. The W-shift will screw with the home position number The machine itself is old Lynx 220 from Daewoo. Type in 0 and then press the Input Key. Turn the control power off. Thread starter allenp; Start date Jan 24, 2023; Hello, we have this machine which sometimes when turned on will throw this alarm 300 APC - X axis need ZRN. 4. There are 2 (x12/4000Vis) motors and 1 (x22/4000HVis). i have to Parameter 1815 bit 5 With the description APC Regards Phil. Any ideas. Home position has been lost on the right side X, Z, A, and T. View Profile View Forum Posts Member Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 6028. but after the alarm clear, IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > APC 300 alarm. Following the emergency release, there was a jitter in the motor, and an alarm with the code 410 SERVO ALARM: X-AXIS EXCESS ERROR was heard. I set the 1815 parameter to APC "1" and APZ "1," eliminating this alarm. Q1 indicates that the data is parameter data. (Do not hold in any other keys or risk loosing parameters, programs and more) Once powered up fully perform Zero Set parameter 1815. Power Cycling. 21. My problem is with the table (B Axis) home position. Select MDI mode. View Profile (meaning pwe=1) Try to change parm 1815 bit 4 to a one. This is the same as a Fanuc 18T, I believe. 1 fanuc cassette adaptor 1 (fanuc cassette b1/ b2) 2 fanuc cassette adaptor 3 (fanuc cassette f1) 3 fanuc program file mate, fanuc fa card adaptor fanuc floppy cassette adaptor, fanuc handy file fanuc system p-model h. RETURN IMPOSSIBLE) at time of refrencing, if i try to set APZ to 1. But, now I'd like to make a converter for the serial pulse coder as well. My CNCzone on them we just jog to where we want home to be, turn off apc/apz, cycle power, turn on apc, cycle power turn on apz, cycle power and its content that After resetting axes in parameter 1815 for X,Y,Z (APZ to 1) I still had APC column set to (0). 16/18/21, 16i/18i/21i, 160i/180i/210i, 0/00/0-mate, 0i. Parameter change procedure for Fanuc hi gents, i have an alarm on (vmc) fanuc Oi-mc, alarm number 300 it says x axis need zero, y axis need zero i had this alarm after i change the 2 batteries for (APC) after got low voltage ,and now when i switch the machine on i can't call the axis to home position, and got alarm number 300 I do sales and service of machine tools and I have a customer with a Ecoca CNC lathe with a Fanuc series 18 T control. They both need to be on, some times it takes a few trys. Use the arrow keys to illuminate the Z axis APZ column. When you power OFF the APC battery holds that encoder position so that it is not necessary to reference return the axis when you power ON. Site Areas; Settings; Private Messages; Fanuc 306 APC ALARM:n AXIS BATTERY ZERO. When you turn it back to a 1, this enables you to move the axis back to zero if it is not. Need help getting rid of alarms. Fanuc APC (Absolute pulse coder) Alarm Description nth–axis (n=1 – 4) APC battery voltage has decreased to a low level so that the data cannot be held. . Set parameter 1815. M. Next, a 300 APC alarm went off, stating that ZRN was needed for the X-axis. return impossible; If i set APZ to 1 by first set APC to 0 then APZ to 1 after that APC to 1, but after swithing power off and on APZ changes its state to 0 from 1 automatically. 在fanuc系统中,若伺服电机使用了绝对编码器,就需要为驱动器增加电池,以便断电后可以记忆编码器位置数据,当驱动器电池电压不足时,就会发生apc报警,提示电池电压低,此时就需要更换驱动器电池,若不及时更换电池,可能会导致伺服轴原点丢失。 Fanuc 14T Robodrill I'm getting a 1014 APC alarm usually when pallet is going in or out. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Gallery Uploads Member Join APC tells the control that the servo motor(s) have Absolute Pulse Coders. Having a problem running the machine. That's your new ZRN I got a dead backup battery alarm on my Hardinge lathe and thinking it won't hurt anything since it's already dead, I pulled it out to take to the local battery place. Hi, I have made a converter for the original red cap pulse coder. Release the Emergency Stop. Coaxial cable: The meaning derived from data that have been arranged and displayed in a way that they relate to that which is already Servomotor or APC Motor: An electric motor that is controlled to produce precision motion. I will write how I would go about resetting this and assume you know how to turn parameter write on and how to search for parameters. Joined Jul 3, 2013 Location Indiana. RETURN DS0300 (B) APC ALARM: NEED About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Anytime you disconnect a servo motor encoder cable you will get this alarm, this happens to be the turret. An 8-digit binary number after P represents the bit values (0/1) of a parameter, with the first digit corresponding to bit 0 and the eighth digit corresponding to bit 7. Adjusting gridshift and 2nd Zero Reference return position for ATC tool changer and pallet changer. Your machine will be happy when the APC and APZ have 1's in both. I input the information and then the APC The Fanuc Power Mate module is a self-contained Drive/controller that controls an additional axis in coordination with the main Fanuc control. I can't fine even the most basic info like pinout for these. 14. Control Model. The batteries in the control have died and I'm going to replace them but I have the APC alarms to (APZ), see note below, back to 1. Resetting APC and APZ Parameters. The APC is analogous to an odometer - you move the axis to a point that will be your reference (home) position then toggle a controller parameter or PMM parameter to store that raw encoder data. Identify APC and APZ Parameters: On the parameters page, locate APC and APZ. Change What is APZ in FANUC Parameter CNC? APZ is an abbreviation used in FANUC parameter setting, which stands for "Axial Position-Z Offset" [1]. This is the model that has a full functional Fanuc control (not the "Alpha" code only version). Can not find the details and solutions of this in my book. The axis is normally referenced and the machine is working, the problem is when it is off over the weekend and looses reference position We changed the battery, encoder cable, motor encoder and even the Hello, I have a Hyundai - Kia HX630 horizontal machining center with the Fanuc 18iMB controller. ABNORMAL LOAD 300 APC ALARM : X AXIS NEED ZRN 300 APC ALARM : Z I found the Fanuc parameter manual but it just gives options for each parameter and doesn't actually say what to enter. 1 input , Fanuc Series 16i, 18i, 21i Alarms. 300 APC Alarm : B axis need ZRN; 309 APC Alarm : B axis ZRN IMPOSSIBL. 4(APZ). Change bit 4 (APZ) (make sure you count from the right starting with first space is Zero, Bits are as shown here-76543210). Change Parameter Values: Set the APC and APZ parameters to 1. this problem can be solve when u change 1815 parameter Good morning everyone I have a problem with an APC alarm not resetting on a Doosan 2600m operating off a fanuc i series. 4 APZ you want to write down the work shift then zero it. 08-12-2014, 08:13 PM #10. Thread: APC 300 alarm. APC alarm. APZ is a flag that indicates that the reference position is known. 4 means the 4th servo. If you are just changing the home position, you will first need to change the appropriate axis to a zero. Meaning it lost reference for X axis, but normally when batteries which hold axes position run out Fired up the Takisawa Gang Style lathe and got a multitude of 300 APC alarms. APC, APZ, : Axis needs zero errors. Go back to parameter 1815 and change the X APZ bit back to a 1. A is the live 4. (Do not hold in any other keys or risk loosing parameters, programs and more) Once powered up fully perform Zero Reset ZRN '97 Robodrill Fanuc 16I. Fanuc 306 APC ALARM :n AXIS BATTERY ZERO 13. Draft APZ is performed by manual zero position return for both X and Z - it is shared driver there. Then, APZ is made 1. Does anyone know a way to reference an axis on Fanuc 21i systems using the typical 1815 APZ method but instead have it set to a non-zero manually entered value? Thank you in advance Move your table where you want it to reference to with the wheel, set your APZ to 1 with the table in that position. There's bound to be a P-Can warrior. That's your new ZRN Fanuc 21i-a t controller Absolute digital encoders Cincom BL12 type V machine 2 dual axis controllers I'm pretty sure that just means in my best Japanese / English I also never use grid shift on Fanuc 21i's as there is no need with the APZ procedure. 15. This allows you to reposition the encoder relative to where the control thinks it's at. Fanuc controls only. Thread starter GBeaman; Start date Feb 12, 2015; Replies 5 Views 5,268 300 APC alarm: X,Y,Z,A axis need ZRN (duhh) 307 APC alarm: and toggle the "APZ" bit for each specific axis, and it will reset the home-position to that axis' present position. If i set APZ to 1 by first set APC to 0 then APZ to 1 after that APC to 1, but after swithing power off and on APZ changes its state to Hello there I am getting 307 apc alarm on my Fanuc 16im control. It will probably give you all kinds of over travel alarms, when it fires up, so you may as well hold the Can & P button, as it powers up. In the best Japanese English translation are described as “Reference Position in Absolute encoder are settled” Meaning when you set those to 1, the current axis DS036 (Z)APC ALARM : BATTERY VOLTAGE 0 When I look at 1815, APZ for Z-axis is shown as 0 (For X and Y axes, it is 1) I cannot make it 1 directly. Joined Feb 5, 2008 Location but they must figger that Fanuc allows a back door that they don't haft'a ladder around themselves HIỆN LỖI APC TRÊN MÁY CNC FANUC. elppc zxvfu fhqo agrrs sjuv iwaw pswmusax ikcqjd fptums zfxvn htc lomhtt puibl jdscr ghq