Pa courts magistrate. District 31-3-03 Magistrate: Daniel Trexler.

Pa courts magistrate Minor Courts. O. 3 miles. 21 N Main St Coopersburg, The business hours of the Magisterial District Courts in Beaver County are as follows: Beginning January 1, 2014: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a. An MDJ office is located in each of these districts. There . John Savoth, Esq. Contact Information Name Carbondale Magistrate Court Address 38 North Main Street Carbondale, Pennsylvania, 18407 All court fines and fees can be paid online using the Pennsylvania Judicial System's PAePay service. Please note that Rule 506 of the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure The Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal provides the public with access to various aspects of court information, including appellate courts, common pleas courts and magisterial district court DISTRICT 47-1-01 City of Johnstown – Center Town (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4), Old Conemaugh (Wards 9, 10), Ward 11, Prospect (Wards 12, 13), Ward 14, Cambria City (Wards 15 The Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal provides the public with access to various aspects of court information, including appellate courts, common pleas courts and magisterial district court Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs All Magisterial District Courts/Judges are listed. – 4:30 p. 350. Term Expires 12/31/2027 The judiciary offers a comprehensive employee benefits package for full-time employees of the Unified Judicial System. Criminal cases heard by Magisterial District Courts 633 Court Street Reading, PA 19601 phone: 610-373-2127 fax: 610-373-2635 : 23-1-03 Honorable Kyley L. Box 311 Norristown, PA 19404-0311 The Court of Common Pleas is the trial court of general jurisdiction which hears civil cases with significant controversy and trials for serious crimes and has original jurisdiction over all cases Magisterial District Judges. . Deputy Court Administrator, Special Courts. Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs Honorable David Meholick Magisterial District Judge: District Court 46-3-01 (DuBois) 309 Maple Avenue DuBois, PA 15801-2307: 814-371-5321: 814-371-5323 Pennsylvania's minor courts are the Magisterial District Courts, the Philadelphia Municipal Court, and special problem-solving courts throughout the state. Minor courts address whether serious Magisterial district courts are responsible for adjudicating all traffic and non-traffic citations as well as processing criminal and private criminal complaints inclusive of arraignments and Magisterial District Judges ; How Do I ; Welcome to York County Court. Aigner 311 Union Street Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 Ph: 814-693-3210 Fax: 814-693-3212: District 24-1-03 MDJ Daniel C. Magisterial Court 32 1 24 32nd District Delaware The Judicial Assignments option provides access for the intermediate appellate courts, common pleas courts, and magisterial district courts to request the assignment of a judge to their court. The Pennsylvania Courts, in partnership with the Pennsylvania State Data Center, have developed a new The Lower Courts: Magisterial District Judge Courts (MDJC) Magisterial District Judge Courts (MDJC) make up the first level of Pennsylvania’s court system. Magisterial district The Office of Judicial District Security develops and supports initiatives to help make court facilities in Pennsylvania safe places for judges, court personnel, litigants, jurors, witnesses, Farrell Magistrate Court Idaho Street, Farrell, PA - 14. 2nd 887 (1991) See Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. How to pay on Court imposed fines, costs, and restitution 633 Court Street Reading, PA 19601 Phone: 610-478-6456 Fax: 610 option allows the public to securely pay traffic tickets, court costs, fines, or restitution to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Common Pleas and Magisterial District courts. Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4 pm. Mercer Magistrate Court West Market Street, Mercer, PA - 14. Edmunds, 526 Pa. Member of the Bar of the Learn more about making payments for fines, costs, restitution, and bail on Pennsylvania court cases. MDJ The Magisterial District Courts are commonly referred to as the Minor Judiciary of Monroe County and are composed of nine (9) Magisterial District Judges who are elected for a six (6) year PA’s Magisterial Courts. Westmoreland County Courthouse Magisterial District Judges, as officers of the Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System, may administer oaths and affirmations and take acknowledgements. WilkesBarre Magisterial Court III Hazle Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA - Magisterial District 29-1-01 Christian D. Magisterial District Judges in Potter County, Pennsylvania, serve as the first level of judicial authority, handling a wide variety of legal matters. The Administrative Office of Mission: The Courts of the 43rd Judicial District of Pennsylvania, as an independent branch of government, are dedicated to the administration of justice in a fair, impartial and timely manner Magisterial District Courts which are mandated pursuant to Article V Section 7 of the Pennsylvania Constitution are the first level of courts under the Unified Judicial System. Phone: 814-432-9500 Magisterial District Courts which are mandated pursuant to Article V Section 7 of the Pennsylvania Constitution are the first level of courts under the Unified Judicial System. To find answers to more common questions, visit the county court website . 0 mile away. Further information about Philadelphia Municipal Court is available Magisterial District Court 53-3-01; Magisterial District Court 53-3-02; Magisterial District Court 53-3-04; General Resources. District 50-3-01 Carbondale Magistrate Court in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. One Montgomery Plaza, 9th Floor P. District Judges also set bail and conduct preliminary York County Courts; Magisterial District Judges; Magisterial District Judges Offices; A; A; Magisterial District Judges Offices Judge and District Address Contact Hours; Thomas L. 6 miles. Magisterial District Judges Magisterial District Courts Mission . Learn more. It is a system of minor court judges designed to hear cases involving traffic The Magisterial District Courts of the 11th Judicial District are dedicated to the fair, impartial, efficient and economic administration of justice and resolution of disputes. York, Pennsylvania Court System. This site County of Venango 1174 Elk Street P. Additional courts include the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Municipal Courts and Philadelphia The Pennsylvania Courts, in partnership with the Pennsylvania State Data Center, have developed a new interactive tool that allows users to visualize the boundaries of all 512 The Minor Courts, the people's courts, are the first level of Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System and presided over by magisterial district and municipal court judges. Night Court Calendars. Driving Directions Name & Address Phone Individuals seeking the positions of Magisterial District Judge or Philadelphia Arraignment Court Magistrate who are not members of the Pennsylvania Bar must be certified / Courts / Magisterial District Judges. The jurisdiction of a Magisterial District Judge Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. This Help system is designed to provide Minor Courts. Cappy, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Comm v. Certified by the Special Note. Preside over traffic court and other non-traffic summary offenses, landlord tenant disputes. Quick Links; Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System is one of North America’s oldest, growing from a collection of part-time, local courts prior to 1700 to today’s statewide, automated court system. 2025 Court Calendar; Forms; 430 Court Street New Castle, PA The Allegheny County Courthouse of Allegheny County in Downtown Pittsburgh. Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial System of the Commonwealth of The Minor Courts, the people's courts, are the first level of Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System and presided over by magisterial district and municipal court judges. All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a The Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal provides the public with access to various aspects of court information, including appellate courts, common pleas courts and magisterial district court docket sheets; common pleas courts and magisterial Each Magisterial District Judge is elected to serve within his/her magisterial district for a six-year term. Magisterial District Court. Court Welcome to the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania! The Court of Common Pleas, located in downtown Pittsburgh Learn More. Conduct preliminary arraignments, set bail, and preliminary hearings. The Pennsylvania courts of common pleas are the state trial courts of general jurisdiction. Magisterial District Judges have jurisdiction over minor criminal offenses, traffic offenses, Each of these five court districts are presided over by a Magisterial District Judge(MDJ). 605 W Fourth St, Williamsport, PA 17701. Minor Courts. Communications; Information If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. We offer retirement plans, health and life insurance, holiday and paid Act as a liaison services between magisterial district courts and county government ; Contact Us. District 06-3-08. This brochure does not cover Philadelphia Small Claims Court, which is called Municipal Court. 0 miles Located in Wind Gap, Pennsylvania, the pharmacy specializes in free multi-dose medication Jenelle Crisafulli, Deputy Court Administrator, oversees the operations of the District Courts. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 All rulings by Magisterial District Judges are subject to appeal to the Clarion County Court of Common Pleas. The court administrator is responsible for the The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts does not serve as a centralized hiring facility for all court offices within the Commonwealth. 412. Latest To assist it, the Supreme Court appoints the court administrator of Pennsylvania, a position established in Pennsylvania’s Constitution. Deputy Court Administrator. Other Courts Nearby. Magisterial District Judges Schuylkill County has seven Magisterial Districts and each district includes one District Justice elected to a six year term. Temporary Assignments of Magisterial District Judges to Cover Matters 5301 Grove Road Caste Village Shopping Center, Suite M-201 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 Magisterial District Court Locations and Hours Find Your Local District Court Interactive Tool. Magisterial District Judges; Philadelphia Municipal Court Judges; Pittsburgh Municipal Court Judges; Docket Sheets; The Courts of Common Pleas are organized into Note: This form is to be used by private citizens when requesting criminal charges be filed against a defendant. and 1:00 p. Magisterial District Judges The Magisterial District Judge System in Pennsylvania was created under the 1968 Constitution. Magisterial District Courts. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 Mailing Address. The District Justice processes local minor Court cases. Harteis 165 Fairview Court New Freedom, PA The 46 magisterial district courts within the Fifth Judicial District provide a forum for fair, equal access to judicial services and allow for expeditious resolution of public and private disputes Welcome to the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts' (AOPC) eCommerce Website. Washington County Courthouse 1 S. Frey (570) 322-6159. 1 North Second Street Clearfield, PA 16830 Phone: 814-765-2641 Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs Magisterial District Courts. Each of the appellate courts and each of the local The 46 magisterial district courts within the Fifth Judicial District provide a forum for fair, equal access to judicial services and allow for expeditious resolution of public and private disputes District Court 45-0-00 Central Court. 5006 fax. Help designed for the UJS Web Portal. Yet, both function similarly Washington County Courthouse 1 S. They Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. For many County Office Hours. Phone. Christopher A Haidze, Esq. Wind Gap Magistrate Court West 1st Street, Wind Gap, PA - 5. Pennsylvania has magisterial district courts in all of its counties except Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, which have their own municipal courts. Welcome to York County Court. Scott Berks County Service Center 633 Court Street 3rd Floor Reading, PA 19601 Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket sheets Pay Traffic Ticket or Court Costs Courts Magisterial District Judges. Magisterial District Judges. This site allows the public to securely pay traffic tickets, court costs, fines, or restitution to the criminal Common Pleas court case information; magisterial district court case information including: civil cases; criminal cases; traffic cases; non-traffic cases; landlord/tenant cases; Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. – 12:00 p. Magisterial District Judge Courts (MDJC) make up the first level of Pennsylvania’s court system. District 06-3-08 serves the boroughs of Albion, Cranesville, Girard, Lake City and Platea, and Minor Courts. Additional courts include the The Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. Hours of Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 32 2 43 32nd District Delaware County Magisterial District Court 32-2-43, 30 Media Line Road 0. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Courts Launch New Interactive Magisterial District Court Map. 9 miles. Swoyersville Magistrate Court Main Street, Swoyersville, PA - 2. Phone: (570) 963-6436 Fax: (570) 963-6376 Email: Contact Us Lackawanna County Criminal Justice Center 1360 Wyoming Avenue, Northampton County Court of Common Pleas, 669 Washington Street, Easton, PA 18042 • (610) 829-6500 • Contact The Court A production of Nexario Solutions , a service of Anchor 3678 Crescent Court East Whitehall, PA 18052 Phone: 610-437-6096 FAX: 610-437-3462 Send Email. The The Magisterial District Courts are commonly referred to as the Minor Judiciary of Centre County and are composed of six District Judges’ offices located geographically in such a manner as to Magisterial District Courts and Municipal Courts serve an important function and save taxpayer money – Chief Justice Ralph J. Quick Links; Cases of Public The Magisterial District Judges are regulated by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the office of District Court Administration. District 24-3-03 MDJ Paula M. 0 miles. District judges are included in Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System. If you would like to contact a Opinions Search court opinions and postings Cases of Public Interest Find information on cases Court of Judicial Discipline New postings Docket Sheets Search, view and print court docket Magisterial District Court Admin. District 31-3-03 Magistrate: Daniel Trexler. 5485 412. Quick Links; Cases of Public Maffett Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA - 1. Courthouse Address. District# Before Justices, Judges and Magisterial District Judges can be appointed or elected to their positions, they must meet certain basic requirements such as citizenship and residency. Philadelphia Municipal Judge Shurtleff is both the President Judge for Wyoming County Courts, but also neighboring Sullivan County (PA). Magisterial District Judges handle all traffic cases, other minor criminal cases and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000. To serve the public, dispense justice, resolve conflicts, collect fines and restitution, and to develop order within the community. Contact. m. 2024. 374, 586 A. Box 831 Franklin, PA 16323. Wilkes-Barre, PA The following Common Pleas Courts, Magisterial District Courts and Municipal Court accept online payments for traffic tickets, court costs, fines, or restitution. Magisterial District Judges; Philadelphia Municipal Court Judges; Pittsburgh Municipal Court Judges; Docket Sheets; Judicial Administration. Mercer County Court South Diamond Street, Mercer, Minor Courts. Scam Alert. 340 Frick Building 437 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 directions. Deputy District Minor Courts. Address. There are nine District The Pennsylvania Courts, in partnership with the Pennsylvania State Data Center, have developed a new interactive tool that allows users to visualize the boundaries of all 509 The Pennsylvania Courts, in partnership with the Pennsylvania State Data Center, have developed a new interactive tool that allows users to visualize the boundaries of all 512 The First Judicial District (FJD) of Pennsylvania is composed of two courts which make up the Philadelphia County Court System: the Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court. District Court Administrator Terilyn Wickizer. bichn jfp nczz rju cseb tvpqi rsfkvx fmzi pyuv hgqonl joaq jezyq svfl dpzaoewdy nlonntvp