Rta ride free application online More information about this program is available at RTA Free Ride. RTAChicago. T he online portal works on most P Cs, laptops, smart phones, and tablets. Email your photo and pay the processing fee online or enclose a check with your application. Currently enrolled . and 5 p. Reduced Fares. 2. This permit allows you to ride free on fixed route transit. The Ride Free program is a State of Illinois-mandated, means-tested program providing free public transportation for people with disabilities and adults 65 and older who qualify for the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access Program. Here’s what neighbors will see once the click on each of the links: Apply or replace your Access Pilot Program Permit: Access is a pilot program running through July 31, 2025, that provides a reduced fare on all Metra lines and Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) provides both local and regional services throughout the region with 36 fixed-routes, eight CommuterLink routes, and Dial-A-Ride The Greater Dayton RTA is making it easier than ever for customers to schedule and manage paratransit rides with the launch of its new online reservation system—RTA Connect Online. This program is administered by the In June, the RTA extended the expiration date of Ride Free permits for seniors to November 30. Part 1 Applicant Information Apply for RTA Certified FREE Ride Card . Income Limit Eligibility for the License Plate discount and/or Ride Free Transit Card: (Income limit increase effective 1/1/2020. Schicken rta get ride card replacement application overlay email, link, The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) today announced changes to the Seniors Ride Free program scheduled to occur later this summer. RTA Paratransit Service operates every day of the year (including all holidays) for 24 hours a day. Discount Fare ID- $5. Contact for: Questions about the Ride Free and Reduced Fare permit application process, update on application status for new, renewal, and replacement cards. Customers can now apply On 5/1/24, RTA launched a collection of newly designed applications and fare cards for the ADA Paratransit, Ride Free, and Reduced Fare Program with RTA’s Mobility Services Department. 18, 2022 — The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) today launched Fare Programs Online, a web-based online customer portal that allows people with disabilities and seniors to apply for, replace, and renew Reduced Fare and Ride Free Permits. Scheduling a Trip Trips can also be requested as-needed through RTA Customer Service. Failure to keep your address and phone number updated may result in a temporary suspension of your permit. to 5 p. org/riders/free-and-reduced-fare-programs RTA-issued reduced fare permits allow seniors and people with qualifying disabilities to ride certain services on Pace, CTA and Metra at a reduced rate if they present a valid permit when paying. Fill Rta Ride Application Online, Edit online. The RTA senior Ride Free allows qualified individuals to ride the CTA, Metra and pace at no cost. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. an application to receive an RTA Ride Free Permit. Applicants must be approved by the Illinois Benefit Access Program. to 4:00 p. 31, 2017, only these farecards will be accepted for Paratransit service. Eligibility in the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access Program (BAP) is required in order to be found eligible for the RTA Ride Free program. Most importantly, over 440,000 seniors that already possess Seniors Ride Free Permits do not have to re-apply to receive either a new Circuit Ride Free Permit or a Reduced Fare card based on their eligibility. 800-252-8966, select a language option, then select option 3 for Benefit Access. It outlines the steps to fill out an application form, submit a payment (with fees of $5 for the first replacement and $10 for subsequent ones), and mail it to the RTA Customer Service Center. RTA Ride Free. Once eligible, you must contact your local public transit system to find out what their requirements are in order for you to receive the free ride benefit. ADA customers pay the Senior/Disabled cash fare of $1. Forms Library. 98 votes. Phones are answered Monday through Friday from 8:00 a. Already enrolled in the Benefit Access Program and currently have an RTA Reduced Fare Permit? REDUCED FARE PERMIT SENIOR REDUCED FARE PERMIT SENIOR PERMIT APPLICATION RTA Senior Ride Free Permit RTA Senior Reduced Fare Permit The RTA Persons with Disabilities Reduced Fare Program allows individuals. Appointments may be arranged for photos or documents as needed to complete the application or the RTA Ride Free Pass process. You must come to RTA’s Main Office- 1240 West 6th Street. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines the following categories of eligibility: You are unable to independently board, ride or exit a fixed route bus, due to a disability. Jones Center - 847-244-9242. Social Security Benefits statement. The RTA may be reached at 312-663-HELP (4357). The extension allowed more time for riders to apply for the BAP program as it could take between four and six weeks for eligibility to be approved. 25 when using fixed-route service. These programs provide affordable and accessible transportation options for eligible individuals, including seniors and persons with disabilities. This application (link is external) must be completed if you want to participate in RTA's disability program for fixed-route bus and rail, or if you want to recertify your enrollment in the disability program. 6th Street Cleveland, OH 44113 Any person who meets RTA active duty military, police or fire personnel requirements rides free on RTA fixed-route buses. Once the customer is found eligible, the process for receiving and using the permit will mirror the existing free and reduced fare programs, currently taking 7-10 business days from the date of application. If not, it will be returned to you for completion. Seniors. Contact: Tina Fassett Smith, RTA Communications Director (312-913-3256, Tina. The Ride Free program is income-based and provides eligible riders free access to Metra, Pace, and CTA buses and trains. Monday through Friday The RTA is required by law to issue these permits to individuals who have been approved by the BAP program. Reduced Fare with cash on buses $1. How to use GoMicro YouTube. Do NOT return this part to RTA. No need to install application, just go to DocHub, and signing up directly furthermore for free. Step 1 Ride Free Permit Request for RTA renew their Ride Free permit with the RTA every 5 years by completing the Ride Free application and providing an ID indicating Illinois residency. Contact for: Questions about Benefit Access program and application status. Reduced Fare. , Monday through Friday) 312-663-HELP (4357) Transitioning to Ventra All customers enrolled in RTA’s Reduced Fare, Ride Free, and ADA Paratransit programs should have received a new permit for use with the Ventra system on CTA and Pace. - 5 p. There is a 2 week waiting period for all lost or Senior & Disabled RTA Ride Free Permit Card. RTA Ride Free and Reduced Fare Programs. 3. Illinois residents who enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging Benefits Program (BAP) can receive an RTA Ride Free permit. Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) ride free on Paratransit, but pay the regular fare for fixed-route service. Popular topics for site visitors included the RTA’s reduced fare/ride free programs and ADA Paratransit certification, the agency launched a new online fare portal that allows riders with disabilities and seniors to apply for, renew or replace their ride free or discounted fare cards online rather than in person or by phone. 98,753 Reviews. Submission and Contact Information. To Apply, Please Provide: A completed application; A copy of a government-issued picture identification card that verifies your age Seniors or Persons with Disability Ride Free Transit Card ; ***If your application was “denied” using your 2023 income, you may re-apply online using your 2024 income on or after April 16, 2025. Older adults, people with disabilities, and military personnel may be eligible for discounts. RTA Discounted Fare or Ride Free Fare will not apply to MCRide Connect. 25 Reduced Fare No transfers See our Complete Fare Ch The RTA issues Reduced Fare and Ride Free permit cards online and in-person. Residents can register as either a senior On 5/1/24, RTA launched a collection of newly designed applications and fare cards for the ADA Paratransit, Ride Free, and Reduced Fare Program with RTA’s Mobility Services Department. Purchase Fares Online (down for maintenance) Bike Information Accessibility Safety Check out RTA's community initiatives. Seniors and disabled individuals who meet the financial eligibility guidelines may apply for the Benefit Access Program provided by the RTA also conducts maintenance of lighting units on cycling and e-scooter tracks. Enroll in the Benefits Access Program through the Illinois Department on Aging; Apply for the RTA’s Free Ride Program: Apply Online using the RTA’s new online portal; Call RTA Customer Service at RTA Ride Free Program, call 312-913-3110 For travel information, call 312-836-7000 RTA-FP-0060-01/24 Scan here to apply online How do I apply for BAP? a Ride Free application by: Visiting fares. Applicants can also request an application or find an RTA registration center: VISIT. RTA-issued reduced fare permits allow seniors and people with qualifying disabilities to ride certain services on Pace, CTA and Metra at a reduced rate if they present a valid permit when paying. To apply for ADA Paratransit, call the RTA's ADA eligible for BAP to apply for the Ride Free Permit. 2) How will legislation change the Seniors Ride Free program? Older adults and people with disabilities who are enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access program are eligible to ride free on the CTA, Metra and Pace fixed-route services. More information is available on the RTA Reduced Fare page of their web site. 4,4. Mail your original application to: GCRTA-ADA Eligibility 1240 West 6th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1331 3. MAIL YOUR APPLICATION TO: RTA, PO BOX 301150, CHICAGO IL • To apply for a replacement permit, legal action undertaken. 4,5. If they plan on using the service for more than the 21 days, RTA will offer to provide them with the RTA application so they can apply for certification in the RTA service area. Seniors Ride Free Transit Benefit Persons with Disabilities Free Transit Ride Secretary of State License Plate Discount. DISABLED ID APPLICATION. Apply online using the Fare Portal, or for in-person assistance with Ride Free and Reduced Fare cards; applicants can find their nearest registration site using the online Download documents for RTA Rider programs such as Ride Free and Access. ☐ Veteran’s Benefit Letter ☐ Verification by a Physician or Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) : 1. $33,562 for a 1 person household (yourself only); or Illinois Department on Aging. Apply Here . If you are new to the program, once approved for Benefit Access, you must then apply to the RTA for your Ride Free Permit card. 25 Reduced Fare Includes up to 2 transfers within 2 hours 3. It is important to complete all parts of the online application before clicking the Submit button. The RTA will mail you your card in about 3 to 4 weeks. Apply, replace, or renew your RTA Ride Free, Reduced Fare, or ADA Paratransit Permit Once you are found eligible for BAP, then complete the RTA’s Ride Free application in our new online portal. Children through 6 years old ride free. org) Michael Gillis, Metra Communications Director (312-322-6769, mgillis@metrarr. All applicants must be enrolled in the Benefit Access Program to apply for a Ride Free permit. You will be able to print a certificate stating that you are eligible for the free ride. This permit will allow for free rides on CTA, Metra and Pace fixed-route buses and trains. RTA allows you to apply online at https://fares. fill out . The portal can be used for the following programs: Senior information is provided to assist you in completing the attached application for paratransit (Lift/Dial-A-Ride) service from the RTA. All applications that are not completed correctly will not be processed. RTA. More than 30,000 students can now ride the RTA system fare-free, and more than 10,000 students can access a stop within a quarter-mile of their RTA Senior Ride Free Program. Left and right arrows move through main tier links and expand / close menus in sub tiers. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. 2 away of 5. gov) Applications are now open for the pilot, which Medi-Cal cards will not be accepted. In the coming months, the RTA will be communicating information about how and when the transition will take place. org Transit Assistance Apply 5. Certified ADA paratransit passengers, Medicare Card (Red, White, and Blue), Seniors 65 and older with a Driver's License/State ID card, and Military ID Card or Veterans Administration (VA) ID card can ride fixed route for a reduced fare. Derevyanny@cookcountyil. Riders with disabilities, older adults, military personnel, and other populations may be eligible for reduced or free transit. Information on replacing cards that have been lost or stolen may be obtained by calling 312-913-3110. You can also download a Ride Free Application or call RTA Customer Service at (312) 913-3110 to have an Now, renewing or replacing his Ride Free Permit is easier than ever. 565. ADA Paratransit also has a new application process. But beginning RTA-issued Ventra Cards require certification by the applicant that he or she is eligible for the RTA reduced fare or ride free program (the “Reduced Fare or Ride Free Program”). Applications are available at the RTA business office, online below or by calling our Customer Information Center at 951. No exceptions. Try Now! Beginning Friday, October 24 through Wednesday, December 31, 2008, customers who are enrolled in the RTA’s People with Disabilities Ride Free Program and have received their Circuit Permit from the RTA, and also have an RTA issued Reduced Fare Disabled or Paratransit Permit that they no longer plan on using, will be eligible for refunds for the remaining value on Once a current RTA Reduced Fare Permit holder becomes enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging Benefit Access Program, the RTA will issue a Ride Free Permit within 3-4 weeks of receiving an application and ID. Reduced Fare Application Transit Assistance Can I apply online? Apply now at fares. Please call our hours of Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 3:00pm. Bring the completed application and $5. On January 18, the RTA launched Fare Programs Online, a web-based online customer portal that allows people with disabilities and seniors to apply Apply online now at fares. RTA Persons with Disabilites Application 012319 V5. ) Your total income last year must be less than. rtachicago. May submit materials via email or in-person to: Malik Seifullah RTA Human Resources Division 1240 W. Visitors with disabilities to the RTA service area are eligible to receive DAR service for any combination of 21 days during a 365-day period. org Transit Assistance Apply More than 19,000 applications have been submitted using the RTA’s Fare Programs Online since it launched in January 2022. RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY OFFICES 1825 Third Street P. Applications can be submitted via fax, email or dropped off at the Main Office Building. Once your completed application has been received, you may be scheduled for an “Eligibility & Assessment” interview. More information on the RTA’s Ride Free permit can be found here. in the Benefit Access Program but DO NOT have an RTA Ride Free Permit? Enrollees will need to. *Please note: Persons with disabilities must apply directly through the RTA. 630 388 4407 Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) RTA Online Portal. Home. If you prefer to complete a paper application, IF APPROVED, APPLICANTS WILL RECEIVE THEIR RTA RIDE FREE PERMIT OR REDUCED FARE PERMIT WITHIN 3-4 WEEKS. Before scheduling their first ride, residents must register through Pace by calling their call center at 1-800-201-6446. 00 to 1240 West 6th Street, along with a valid photo ID card. Visit the RTA’s website (Fair Transit Access | Regional Transportation Authority (rtachicago. illinois. you must live in Illinois at the time you file your application. Mail the Reduced Fare ID Application to RTA, PO Box 59968, Riverside CA 92517-1968, Attention Reduced Fare ID Cards. Any information falsely presented on the application for the Any person who meets RTA active duty military, police or fire personnel requirements rides free on RTA fixed-route buses. Senior Ride Free Program allows seniors age 65 and older to ride at no cost on CTA, Metra and Pace fixed bus and rail service How to Apply. For more information about renewing a Ride Free permit, visit rtachicago. org) to learn more about the Reduced Fare and Ride Free Program and register for a permit online. Reduced Fare Permits (buses) $1. The RTA manages Reduced Fare and Ride Free applications, replacements, and renewals. org • Scanning the QR code RTA Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Transit Benefit. Mobility outreach and travel training help riders gain independence. To apply for RTA's Fixed-Route Disability Fare program, fill RTA Reduced & Ride Free Fare Programs (for Pace, Metra & CTA) APPLY OR RENEW ONLINE - RTA's Fare Programs. To obtain a Reduced Fare Program application, call the RTA Mobility Services Helpline at 312-663-4357 (HELP) and press option 3 on the main menu. Lastly, in early 2024, the RTA simplified the RTA Ride Free program application process. renew their Ride Free permit with the RTA every 5 years by completing the Ride Free application and providing an ID indicating Illinois residency. If you qualify the benefit is valid for two years How to Apply for a Free Ride Permit. RTA's On-demand service. Reduced Fare Permits (rail) $1. Children age 14 years old or older can ride unattended. Smith@RTAChicago. To qualify for a Ride Free Permit, older adults and people with disabilities must be enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access program for low-income To make a reservation to ride the RTA Paratransit Service, call the reservation line at (504) 827-7433. 2919 for more information and to apply. 4. Upon approval of your application, the update will be made to your Tapp Pay account and you will be charged reduced fare moving forward. Ride Share: Go Go Grandparent; Taxi Services: 303 Taxi; American Taxi; Taxi Subsidy Program. org and get your permit faster! By applying online, your application will be processed within 3 days for new, renewal, and replacement Ride Free 1. Step 2: If you have been approved for BAP or your last fare permit was a Ride Free Permit, you must complete an RTA Ride Free RTA Fare Programs Online; RTA Rider Resources; Reduced Fare Permit Application; Ride Free Permit Application; Registration . 866. The Benefit Access program offers two benefits for persons with disabilities: A license plate fee discount, and; Free rides on fixed-route transit systems. Please attach a copy of your resume and the completed application form. Disability program for bus & rail. To access this service, all you must do is download the operator’s app. Obtain a Permit. 27, and is available for use by more than 5,500 customers enrolled in RTA’s paratransit services program. *** To start a new application, or to search for an existing application %PDF-1. Mail the Reduced Fare ID Application to RTA, PO Box 59968, Riverside CA 92517-1968, Attention Rta ride free application online. Wait times may vary based on availability. org and get your permit faster! By applying online, you will receive your ne w, renewal, or replacement Reduced Fare Permit within 7-10 business days. to 5:00 p. 5002. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00 a. Learn more Ride Free Permits allow older adults and people with disabilities who are enrolled in the Illinois Department on Aging’s Benefit Access Program to ride free on CTA, Metra, and Pace fixed-route services. Free and discounted fare programs. HCPSS Middle and High School Students Ride Free. Apply, renew, or replace your RTA Ride Free, Reduced Fare, or ADA Paratransit Permit. DocHub Reviews. Applications can be found at the Arlington Heights Senior Center; RTA System Map; Ride Share and Taxi Services. org. Skip to main content. If you already have a RTA Ride Free Permit or RTA ADA Paratransit Permit, you do not need to apply for a Reduced Fare Permit, as these permits will also serve as proof of disability. There are two ways to apply for eligibility through BAP: Benefit Access Program The Benefit Access Program (formerly known as Circuit Breaker) is an income-based program which provides discounted license plate fees, and allows qualified applicants to obtain an RTA Ride Free Card. This application is divided into three sections listed below: Policies and Procedures: KEEP this part for your records. All applicants: Download the most current RTA application at: https://www. The RTA operates the question on the application must be answered. Rta ride loose replacement mapping online. 00 Replacement- $5 Discount Fare $3 Senior EXCLUSIONS: A person whose sole incapacity is pregnancy, obesity, acute or chronic alcoholism, or drug addiction, is not eligible for the Fixed Route Discount Fare program In the past, riders had to re-apply for BAP every two years and had to prove their income as part of that process. RTA, PO Box 8621, Fort Wayne, IN 46898-8621, Phone: 312-913-3110 REDUCED FARE PERMIT RIDE FREE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS • •Apply for the Illinois DOA Benefit Access Program: – From any computer, visit the Illinois The following navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. To Replace a Lost or Stolen Card 1. RTA Permit ID requirements are used to confirm program eligibility Beginning July 1, youth 18 and under ride RTA buses for free! Learn More. A very limited number of eligible seniors may be able to ride free for fixed routes provided through CTA, Metra, and Pace. Applications for the Illinois Department on Aging must be completed online at ilaging. For more information about ADA Paratransit eligibility or to request application: (8:30 a. After you apply for the RTA Ride Free Permit, the RTA will verify your Benefit Access Program eligibility and issue a Ride Free Permit within 3-4 weeks. All child restraining laws apply to children riding in RTA Connect Vehicles. O. The RTA will ensure adequate increased staffing levels and provide accessible documents for applications in-person and online. For more information about BAP, call 800-252-8966. If a senior has recently applied for or has received a new Senior Ride Free permit, no additional action is required at this time. OR CALL RTA Ride Free, Reduced Fare Online Applications. RTA Customer Service to apply for the Ride Free Permit. OFFICE HOURS 8 a. Box 59968 Riverside, CA 92517-1968 (951) 565-5000 Email Comments. 312-913-3110 Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) coordinates reduced fare and ride-free programs for the Cook County region. All appointments are over the phone: Patricia A. 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. 10 Reduced Fare Includes up to 2 transfers within 2 hours 2. People with Disabilities. All individuals 65 years old and older who are ineligible for the RTA Ride Free Program are eligible to receive a reduced fare permit. ADA Paratransit customers must keep their address, telephone numbers, emergency contact information, and mobility aid information current with the RTA since the RTA is the source for passenger information. Transit Education. m. 4 %âãÏÓ 142 0 obj > endobj xref 142 33 0000000016 00000 n 0000001414 00000 n 0000001573 00000 n 0000009826 00000 n 0000010356 00000 n 0000010779 00000 n 0000011195 00000 n 0000011670 00000 n 0000011784 00000 n 0000012167 00000 n 0000012258 00000 n 0000012715 00000 n 0000012814 00000 n 0000013174 00000 n The document provides instructions for applying for a replacement RTA permit, emphasizing the one permit per applicant policy. We are not affiliated with any brand or entity on this form. Which fare do I pay? After Dec. Once your application to the Benefit Access Program is accepted, you can apply for your RTA ride free card at the relevant link below. Now Hiring. If you prefer applying online, use the RTA’s online portal to both renew or apply for a free/reduced How to Apply To apply for reduced fare due to a disability please submit an application to the RTA. Agencies; Services; Mary Killough, Acting Director Senior HelpLine: 1-800-252-8966 (711 TRS) About To apply for either the Ride Free or Reduced Fare permit, please complete the application • government issued ID card and a 2” by 2” color photo that clearly shows your face. org or call 312-913-3110. $3,000 signing bonus available for all new hires!* and Part-time Bus Drivers. The web-based customer portal allows individuals with disabilities and seniors to apply for, Individuals with a disability who are enrolled in the Benefit Access Program must apply for the RTA-issued Ride Free permit that will allow them to ride free on fixed-route transit in the RTA service region. The system went live today, Jan. , Monday through Friday, to request an application. The online portal works on most PCs, laptops, smart phones, and tablets. Ride Free Application Questions? Call 312-913-3110 or visit rtachicago. Customers under 18 years of age must contact RTA Customer Service to schedule an On-Demand reservation. To ride an e-scooter in the specified areas, users must obtain a permit. . The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) announced it has launched Fare Programs Online, a web-based online customer portal that allows people with disabilities and seniors to apply for, replace, and renew Reduced The Ride Free Transit benefit will be available to the transit district the following day you are approved. Any applications received before January 1 will be subject to these old eligibility rules. Seniors and residents with disabilities can who qualify can apply for the "ride free transit benefit" which allows free rides on participating fixed-route transit (regularly scheduled buses and trains). As of September Can I apply online? Apply now at fa res. • If your address or phone number changes, contact RTA at 312-913-3110. Bring the application and fee to 1240 West 6th Street, along with a valid photo ID. gov/ benefitsaccess. org and get your permit faster! By applying online, you will receive your new, renewal, or replacement Reduced Fare Permit within 7-10 business days. • Apply, Reduce, or renew your RTA Ride Free, Reduced Fare, or ADA Paratransit Permit. Any person who meets RTA active duty military, police or fire personnel requirements rides free on RTA fixed-route buses. online application at . Up an Benefit Access applications are over the phone with no appointment required. 1-Ride, 2-Trip and 5-Trip Cards CHICAGO, Jan. Call Senior Services at 847. Answer: Until further notice, all seniors, ages 65 and over, with a valid RTA Seniors Ride Free Smart Card can still ride all RTA fixed-route services for free. There will be a Apply online application link at the bottom of the page. IF APPROVED, Applicants will receive their RTA Ride Free Permit or Reduced Fare Permit within 3-4 weeks. How to Ride; Paratransit services are available upon completion of an application and certification assessment through the RTA Certification Center. com) Natalia Derevyanny, Cook County Director of Communications (312-718-4125, Natalia. Application Form. Get the up-to-date rta replacement card 0305 buy Get Shape. Let's go together . 00 Senior ID- $3. bcyvvh lyh cctxi dvb alibdfo mjlyfs lccea bmgr ehi wujqhqd jcqkg qzzc uequp jomnbq swbte