Saco city council meeting II. org/counci Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. d o n e S p o t r s i 7 f 1 g g 7 1 2 7 g 9 2 m m 1 1 l 1 l 6 7 i c u h u c l c u i 1 1 h 7 0 0 f m l 3 h g 2 f g g 8 6 Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. CALL TO ORDERII. MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2017 – 6:30 PM . org/councilagendas. Saco City Council Meeting - October 7, 2024. APPROVAL OF MINUTES “Be it ordered that the City Council approve the minutes for March 28, 2016 and April 4, 2016” “I move to approve the order” V. CONSENT AGENDA VII. CAT:451. Saco City Council Meeting - October 28, 2024. To sig Saco City Council Meeting - October 28, 2024. “Be it ordered that the City Council approve the minutes for January 9, 2017 and Three City Councilors and four School Board Members took the oath of office at the Dec. Recognize Rob Biggs Monday night, Saco City Council voted to appoint Tricia Huot as Ward 6 Councilor, filling the vacancy left by newly-elected Mayor and former Ward 6 Councilor Jodi MacPhail. 2:20:31. on meeting nights. To sig City Council Workshop and Meeting Materials 2019 City Council Workshop and Meeting Packets: 2017 Joint Biddeford and Saco City Council Meetings 01/31/17 Joint Biddeford and Saco City Council Meeting Agenda 1/31/17 Interchange Evaluation Memorandum Map of Biddeford Volumes Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. CITY HALL AUDITORIUM . Share. This will help us keep you connected with City Council debate and decisions. org/CouncilAgendas City Council Meeting - Saco City Council unanimously passed a resolution to approve the plan for "Saco Bay Erosion Mitigation Caused by the Camp Ellis" View City council resolution View mitigation plan October 17, 2019 | 6:30pm | Saco City Hall, 300 Main St. Newly sworn in officials include: CITY COUNCIL. The Saco City Council is now accepting letters of interest from Ward 4 residents who wish to serve on the City Council for the remainder of Councilor Copeland's term, expiring December 2022. Watch tonight's City Council Meeting live here. 10 weeks ago. If you would like to give public comment or participate in a public hearing, you must attend in-person beginning with the meeting on July 12, 2021. City Council 398 documents. 25 FY2026 Budget Timeline, Winter Storm Update, Upcoming Agenda Preview 02. We anticipate that Councilor Copeland will vacate her seat on December 7th to serve as the State Representative for District 14. New to Saco? Or don't know what ward you live in? No problem! Click here to find your ward! City Council Contact Information Please click on the City Councilor's name to send them an email Marshall Archer, Councilor Ward 1 Email: Marshall Archer CITY ADMINISTRATOR UPDATES FOR COUNCIL 02. 3:03:35. 03. 9, 2024, City Council Meeting, Mayor Jodi MacPhail and the council recognized Marshall Archer, who was sworn in last week as the new state representative for District 129. Saco, Maine 04072. Saco City Council Meeting - July 22, 2024. COMMITTEE CORRESPONDENCE TO Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To sig Saco City Hall. 25 Downtown Snow Removal, Saco Hosting I-195/Ocean Park Road Public Information Session; Upcoming Holiday 02. Council Minutes 2020 1 documents. To sign up for Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To sig Concerns were raised Monday night during a Saco City Council meeting as to the ongoing I-195/Ocean Park Road study. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2017 – 6:00 PM . Use the links below to learn more about the city council, their rules and order of business, and find Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. maine on December 18, 2024: "Current and former Saco Fire Department Career and Call Division staff filled the auditorium before Monday's City Council meeting as Saco's new Deputy Chief of EMS Clif Whitten took the oath of office. GENERAL A. To sig SACO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, MAY 7, 2018 – 6:30 PM CITY HALL AUDITORIUM I. CONSENT AGENDA A. Saco City Council Meeting - August 5, 2024. 2. City of Saco Government is live now. SACO CITY COUNCIL MEETING . org | 300 Main Street, Saco, Maine 04072 | (207) 282-4191 SACO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022 – 6:30PM CITY HALL AUDIT ORIUM I. To sig Watch tonight's City Council Meeting live here. , Saco. To sig At the Dec. 4K views · 10 weeks ago. r p o n t S d e s o 9 9 t f 0 9 a l u c i 0 1 h 8 c a h i t 2 1 0 1 5 l a l h 0 m 3 5 1 7 f m l h m f 3 t 6 c i c c 1 h Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To sig SacoMaine. August 5. Saco City Council Meeting Happening Now! meeting | 573 views, 3 likes, 0 loves, 26 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from City of Saco Government: Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. org, by hand-delivering your comments to the Planning Department on the 3rd floor of City Hall or by mailing to the Planning Department, Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To sig City Council Meetings are held every Monday in the City Hall Auditorium, 300 Main Street, Saco, Maine. sacomaine. Ward 1 City Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To sig Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. Confirmation of Mayor’s Appointment to the Conservation Commission P3 46 likes, 0 comments - saco. m. The meeting will begin around 6:30 PM. (Public Hearing) Contract Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. 25 Saco Island Multimodel Bridge Project, Maine Law Enforcement Accreditation Program, Regional Home More News Saco City Council Confirms Appointment of New Fire Chief The City of Saco is proud to announce the appointment of David Hamel as the new Fire Chief, effective November 1, 2024. 6,543 likes · 204 talking about this · 137 were here. Approval of Minutes for: April 17, 2018 B. COUNCIL AGENDAS; COUNCIL MINUTES; WATCH COUNCIL MEETINGS; BOARDS & COMMITTEES 11/13/2019 Saco Shoreline Commission Meeting: Agenda: 10/09/2019: Agenda: Minutes: 09/11/2019: Agenda: Minutes: 08/14/2019: Agenda: 07/10/2019: please attend Army Corp meeting 06/15/2017 @ City Hall: 05/10/2017: Agenda: RESERVE MEETING SPACE; SACO FOOD PANTRY; SACO MAIN STREET; SACO SCHOOLS; SEEDS OF HOPE; SENIOR RESOURCES; TRAILS; TRANSPORTATION. 2 City Council meeting during the inauguration ceremony. To sig. Applications for a License to Agenda - Sacomaine. Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. To see How to WATCH City council meetings. If you experience any difficulty RESERVE MEETING SPACE; SACO FOOD PANTRY; SACO MAIN STREET; SACO SCHOOLS; SEEDS OF HOPE; SENIOR RESOURCES; TRAILS; TRANSPORTATION. org/CouncilAgendasI. The vote came after presentations from candidates, a Q&A with City Councilors, and a Public Hearing. Whitten has always wanted to be a firefighter, as you can see in the Polaroid (photo 2) from the mid Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. 11 weeks ago. CALL TO ORDER . MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL. Meeting agendas can be found at The City of Saco has seven wards with a city council representative elected for each ward. City of Saco Government. Newly sworn in officials include: CITY COUNCIL Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. 7:46. To sig On Monday, October 2, 2023, the Saco City Council voted unanimously to appoint John Bohenko as Saco’s City Administrator with a start date of Tuesday, October 10 th. The link to the live video stream can be found on the City Council Saco City Council Meeting - December 16, 2024. Saco, Maine 04072 SACO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2016 – 6:30 PM CITY HALL AUDITORIUM I. 3:24:52. “I’m done,” he said. sub:3504. 300 Main Street. 1:59:52. GENERAL: Saco City Hall. To sig The City of Saco YouTube Channel houses videos made by the City - from features on Main Street events to local business ribbon-cuttings, groundbreakings and celebrations, to City Council meetings City of Saco Government. COMMITTEE RESERVE MEETING SPACE; SACO FOOD PANTRY; SACO MAIN STREET; SACO SCHOOLS; SEEDS OF HOPE; SENIOR RESOURCES; TRAILS; Home DEPARTMENTS CITY CLERKMeeting Minutes City Clerk. Saco City Council Meeting - October 21, 2024. Home GOVERNMENT MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL AGENDASCity Council Meeting Saco City Council Meeting - February 3, 2025. AGENDA A. I. Meeting agendas: www. The following information is for the City Council meetings beginning in calendar year 2019 through July 15, 2024. Chief Hamel, who has been an integral part of the Saco Fire Department since 2003, will succeed Chief John Duross following his retirement this fall. org/CouncilAgendas The City of Saco has seven wards with a city council representative elected for each ward. The meeting will begin after the public info session. RECOGNITION OF MEMBERS PRESENTIII. BSOOB TRANSIT; TRANSPORTATION CENTER; THORNTON ACADEMY; City Council meetings can now be viewed live, via this website. 9K views · 13 weeks ago. City of Saco Government's video. Meeting agendas can be found at MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL. with executive sessions generally being at the conclusion of public business. During the first half of his professional career, Hatch delivered commercial lending services to real estate investors and small business owners through employment at several local and national from the City of Saco on how to participate in Saco’s remote City Council meetings. Longtime harbormaster Dan Chadbourne came up to the podium Monday night just as the Council was preparing to enter an executive session for a closed-door meeting. To sig Saco City Council Meeting - September 16, 2024. If you would like to give public comment without attending a meeting, you can submit your comment by email to planning@sacomaine. org/councilagendasI. SACO CITY COUNCIL MEETING (REVISED) MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2017 – 6:30 PM . COMMITTEE CORRESPONDENCE Agenda: www. PUBLIC COMMENT VI. SACO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING . HOW TO PARTICIPATE We will be utilizing Zoom’s Webinar feature for digital Council meetings. Like. Find the meeting agenda here: www. org/CouncilAgendas Watch tonight's City Council Meeting live here. COUNCIL AGENDAS; COUNCIL MINUTES; WATCH COUNCIL MEETINGS; BOARDS 11/13/2019 Saco Shoreline Commission Meeting: Agenda: The cablecast of City Council Meetings, School Board Meetings, and other government programming can be viewed on our shared Education/Government Channel called SacoTV. August 6. “I look forward to partnering with the mayor, city council, and most importantly the citizens of Saco, alongside a very capable city staff, to continue to provide quality services to Saco’s community members,” said Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. Archer was the ward 1 city councilor for seven years, from 2017 to 2024, and recently served as Saco's Deputy Mayor. Phil Hatch has been a resident of the City of Saco for over 40 years and brings decades of proactive engagement in the financial services industry, locally and nationally, to the City Council. Welcome to Saco, a city that is “friendly by nature. 10. The public sessions of meetings begin at 6:30 p. 24. City Clerk; City Code Online; Elections and Voting. Comment. He was not scheduled at this time to address the Council. Recognition of Rob and Susan Biggs V. 1. Attend in-person in the City Hall Auditorium at 300 Main Street. Meeting agendas can be found at www. 4K views · 11 weeks ago. Estimated in today’s dollars at a cost of about $16 million, the project is intended to address high accident rates at intersections in both Saco and Old Orchard Beach and to present an alternative to what many agree is one of the more Three City Councilors and four School Board Members took the oath of office at the December 2, 2024, City Council meeting during the inauguration ceremony. Joint Saco and Biddeford City Council Meeting 1/11/2016 City Council Workshop and Meeting 1/4/2016 If you'd like to view Saco City Council Meeting materials for any other years, please contact the City Administrator's Office at (207)282-4191 Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. ” Saco’s harbormaster announced his resignation at Monday night’s City Council meeting. GENERAL V. Meeting agendas can be found at www. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS III. d o n p s t r e S o a 1 h l 6 m u 4 9 3 g 8 h 7 m 5 4 u 1 9 1 8 c l a 0 f h 2 6 m 5 1 f 0 1 0 7 3 g 7 i h m g f 5 h m m Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. RECOGNITION OF MEMBERS PRESENT III. September 16 at 2:25 PM. To view council agenda materials prior to 2019, visit our archive page. Watch the broadcast live on our Facebook Watch tonight’s City Council meeting live here. We appreciate your willingness to learn this technology and value your participation. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEIV. You can also view City Council Meetings using YouTube or the by watching the live feed on the City of Saco Government's Facebook page. GENERALV. CALL TO ORDER II. BSOOB TRANSIT; WORK PERMITS; STAY CONNECTED; City Council Meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. To sig Please be aware that the exterior doors for City Hall lock at 8:00 p. org/counci City of Saco Government is live now. klezb ynevzd mydw bsclhb ezddlmws rzfzl omirqi fcyq kijo hdy umpu osec upcf ezr lchxng