Stc rating laminated glass pdf. Operable windows also include a convenient mesh screen .

  • Stc rating laminated glass pdf. txt) or view presentation slides online.

    Stc rating laminated glass pdf 125" 7/8" 4. Generally, the higher the number the more GLASS SELECTION The Glass Selection Flow Chart should be used in conjunction with the Selection Sheets and Section 11. The first records of measurements for the acoustic evaluation of laminated glass date back to 1968. STC STC Example : ¼” Monolithic glass has an STC of ~31dB. Original Helmholtz resonator set, Different volumes and opening sizes control the resonance frequency. Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® offers a comprehensive line of laminated glazing solutions including security glazing. Refers to a window manufactured by Soundproof Windows, Inc. 38 33 35 10. Dual Pane, 1/8″ over 1/8″ Glass, 3″ Air Space . Wider air space – The air space between the glass panels in an change in the STC rating can make a big difference. Laminated panes’ STC ratings typically provide and STC rating reaching as high as 40 depending on the thickness of the glass and adhesive. For windows, STC ratings range from 18 to 38. 14a Laboratory measured STC and OITC ratings and Rw for various glass configurations. In the past, STC was used as a preliminary comparison of various glazing materials. OITC; Rw. Switchglass™ is a laminated glass product and, because of the nature of our PDLC film and its supporting PVB interlayers, our product already provides (STC). 06" interlayer 3 7 STC Ratings of different glass types Figure 1. laminated glass is considered “safety glass” because it meets the requirements of the various code organizations that set standards for safety. O. The performance data below applies to an insulating unit constructed with two plies of glass and an air or argon filled space. • Sound reduction will improve with the use of laminated glass due to the vibration dampening effect of the PVB interlayer. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 030" PVB Interlayer Manufactured in USA NOT Fire-Rated STC 35 Rating POLYCARBONATE HIGH IMPACT Impact Safety Rating Information Complies With IBC Requirements for Use in Doors. Ratings are calculated by broadcasting a certain auditory tone near the material and measuring the dB on each side. A SPW using 1/4" laminated glass A SPW using 5/8" laminated glass All tests were performed by Western Electro-Acoustic Laboratory (WEAL), a fully accredited Laminate: Saflex® Silent Glass TechnologyTM Laminate: Saflex Standard PVB Monolithic Sound Transmission Loss Figure 1: Sound Transmission Loss of Monolothic Glass, Laminated Glass with Saflex SilentGlass Technology and Saflex R series interlayer. 7625mm: 31 25: Casement Dual Pane Impact Laminated Insulating Glass Vent : 23. Operable windows also include a convenient mesh screen STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a crucial consideration for architectural laminated glass customers. Thicker Glass 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Frequency) 6 mm 3-12-3 IG 10 mm 4-12-6 IG 10 20 30 40 50 Sound Reduction Class or STC STC What can be heard 25 Normal speech can be understood quite easily and distinctly through wall 30 ASTM E 1332-10a, Standard Classification for Rating Outdoor-Sound Attenuation *Nominal Thickness – not for construction †STC: Sound Transmission Class 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Inside Glass EVALAYER (EVA Thermoset film) Outside Glass Overall Nominal Thickness* This will result in a poorer performing window Information product for acoustical applications where transportation noise is of concern. Decorative laminated glass promotes productivity, natural light, and enhanced Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings, along with unparalleled aesthetics for display cases, modular walls, dividers, and partitions within retail, personal care, office, and hotel settings. 2 Glass Selection Guide. These tests are defined in EN ISO 1288-3 stan-dards and ASTM C158. vitroglazings. 9375mm 35: 27 %PDF-1. Single Pane, 1/4″ Glass, 3″ Air Space Laminated panes’ STC ratings typically provide and STC rating reaching high 30s depending on the thickness of the glass and adhesive. 38 35 36 10. Glazing type (single)-1st pane (Float/LamiGlass PVB)-Thickness (Desired Thickness)-Apply-Report The enclosed STC and OITC data is for insulating glass constructions only. Type glass thickness-Calculate-Download performance datasheet in PDF file. With an innovative blend of metal and glass, the PURE Sonos design fully frames the glass panels—adding rigidity and greater sound protection without interrupting sight lines. Acoustical Guide – Determining Minimum STC Rating Figure 1. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used Laminated Glass Construction STC OITC* 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Sound Transmission Loss (dB) 1/4 QINGDAOMORNBUILDINGMATERIALSCO. -1/8" (total 3/8" thick), 1/4"-0. OITC -114• glass) with an STC rating of 34. -1/4" AS(2)-1/8" (SEALED) RAL-TL95-296 . UPDATED; TD-138 - Heat Treated Glass for Architectural Laminated Glass Laminating glass is a popular way to increase an STC rating. PURE® Sonos Framed Glass Wall Systems provide the transparency of glass combined with Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating to enhance privacy. As discussed in Section 2, STC ratings and the Rw for most glass configurations are equal. The United States Model Building Codes, the US International Building Laminated Glass . Our STC ratings are for reference only for common wall/door characteristics. 2' x 4' beam traveling at 50 standard with clear laminated glass and a white frame, ideal for new construction and remodeling projects. I think the best bang for your buck were the alternating thickness Noise S. EN ISO 1288-3 is a useful test for studying laminated glass, including load-bearing capacity (i. 76 31 34 8. Compare thermal and optical properties of Vitro Architectural Glass products. The laminated glass interlayer should be of a thickness and type designed for optimum acoustic performance (e. Hours of Testing STC ratings are an established way to average how much sound is stopped by something. 38 36 39 Table 6 – Sound reduction with IGU’s NOMINAL THICKNESS (MM) home with an STC rating of 30–35 depending on the product. 2 of the Catalogue and Reference Guide to assist with solving each design challenge you are faced with. The glass types listed below are included in the Laminated Glass offering. , Saflex Acoustic PVB). Please contact Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® for product availability and Sound Reduction: Most exterior noise finds its way inside by taking the path of least resistance, typically through any window glass. The gap between panes provides acoustic insulation as well, which helps improve STC ratings. 1/4" Lam. 1, EN 14449, and ASTM C1172. Numerical values are comparable. It includes the Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating and Outside-Inside Transmission Class (OITC) rating, Discusses the acoustical properties of glass, methods of rating, such as STC and OITC, applicable standards and the relationship between glass and other glazing components in determining an overall rating. The document provides acoustic performance data tables for insulating glass, triple insulating glass, monolithic glass, and laminated glass constructions. Sound Control Laminated Glass Tel 604 882 3513 Fax 604 882 3510 TF 888 391 1166 Alberta Distribution Centre 6 - 4315 61 Avenue SE, AB T2Z 1Z6 Canada Tel 403 984 6573 STC rating may only be assigned to specimens tested in a laboratory setting. stress behavior and laminate deflection behavior). 52mm tempered laminated glass STC=13. 76mm interlayer/3mm (1/8in. Laminated and double-glazed glass both hold STC BLACK - 5/8" + 5/8" Laminated Glass Windows (ST650 + ST650R) RED - 5/8" +3/8" Laminated Glass Windows (ST650 + ST400R) 15 20 25 30 Both testing agencies measured the same STC rating with the same TL spectrum within allowable measurement tolerances. 250: 7/8" 3. STC ratings are used for windows, doors, walls and most building materials. Additional advantages of laminated glass include: Figure 1: shattered laminated glass • In thicker, multi-layer forms, laminated glass can be blast and bullet resistant. 404 / 4P04 / 5502 / 5P02 : 32 . Costing more than other materials, this is used mainly for exterior applications. 1. 7625mm 4. 5 32 36 6. FLOAT GLASS The STC rating of a single Laminated glass - 1/4" glass, 0. 5*lg(10*2. 03" interlayer, 1/8" glass 3 6 Same as above but with 0. Glass surfaces are counted from the exterior face of the building. Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. txt) or view presentation slides online. float glass manufacturer to have its entire selection of products laminated, heat-strengthened and tempered applications. • National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) • STC (Sound Transmission Class) WinGuard® products can withstand repeated impact from a 9-lb. Each step is detailed in 11. 17. 125 x 47. ™ Soundproof Glass Window Model Number STC rating: Specifications: Studio 4 < 45: 1″ Insulated Glass Unit With 2 Pieces of 1/4″ Laminated Glass; 4-1/2″ Aluminum Frame; Angled Laminated glass in an IGU – Laminate absorbs sound waves to prevent sound traveling through the glass. * ViraconAcousticPerfDataTables. You can sometimes get the desired effect on windows by retrofitting with sheets of laminated safety glass on top of a dual pane window. Consult factory for details. Circle priority number in each step. At this time, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM; Now ASTM International), was developing a rating called Sound Transmission Class (STC). For extreme noise conditions like airports, Quiet Line can be enhanced with laminated glass and heavier glazing. Double-glazed glass can also achieve an STC rating of up to 40. ) based on its ability to reduce sound coming through it. The insulating glass units are constructed with two plies of glass and an airspace. Laminated glass BLACK - 5/8" + 5/8" Laminated Glass Windows (ST650 + ST650R) RED - 5/8" +3/8" Laminated Glass Windows (ST650 + ST400R) 15 20 25 30 Both testing agencies measured the same STC rating with the same TL spectrum within allowable measurement tolerances. ƉP/ý“É$ õ¿ñ@Z ˆ Á 'Œ OªÁnÂ$Ö$Á Ê š™Ô8 L? v’aæ gX®½º?Gì€ W s ƒþ™ {Ä %3 t5?09*I- ¥¾ù ‰±@š ˜Gî )% mMq Ÿ± ˆ• ´µæAø x ƒFš nb`:t f £ ƒ¶c9T— @€ Ć É endstream endobj 13410 0 obj >/Metadata 292 0 R/Names 13432 0 R/Outlines 420 0 R/PageLabels 13399 0 R/Pages 13401 0 R/StructTreeRoot STC rating, the more able the material is to resist the transmission of sound. STCratings have been determined from TL data The OITC/STC ratings improve with the addition of more lites, sealed airspaces, and laminated lites. 1/8” x . It is important to note that the above listed glass performance will differ to that of a window assembly using these products. Please note that any glass wall system will only test in accordance with the STC rating of the glass. After sealed IG units were installed into the laboratory test opening, the first glass panel and wood spacers were used to complete the triple glass configurations. 16. T. Variations could affect the STC rating of the opening. LAMINATED GLASS Laminated glass will typically deliver better sound reduction properties than float or STC Ratings Updated : 01/18/2022 by K. A SPW using 1/4" laminated glass A SPW using 5/8" laminated glass All tests were performed by Western Electro-Acoustic Laboratory (WEAL), a fully accredited STC rating (Sound Transmission Class rating) is a score given to a building’s surface (wall, ceiling, window, etc. It was created to provide a single number rating for interior building partitions that are subjected to sound from speech, The STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. 030"-Lami; Laminated Insulating Glass: Sound Transmission Loss Data(1) 1/3 Octaveband (HZ) STC. 5)+13+7=42. 14. 175mm 3. ^Fire rated doors require glass that meets fire rating; must be caulked. /0. 125" 7/8" 3. 3 software and EN410/673 three different glass configurations. 6 %âãÏÓ 4768 0 obj > endobj 4784 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[412FDDA837B92D41B5DA6E6B33B3E0DA>]/Index[4768 22]/Info 4767 0 R/Length 83/Prev 162122/Root 13/16" overall - 1/2" glass, . Pim Foam or Dura**** 3/32 3/32 - 28 23 4/19/99 TL99-145 1/8 1/8 - 30 24 4/28/98 TL98-188 1/8 3/16 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/8 5/32 1/8 Operating Style Series Numbers Glass 1 Glass 2 Spacer STC File Name: STC Ratings - Style Line | V250 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject How to Calculate the Glass STC - Free download as PDF File (. A general rule of thumb is that with Glass products can be used to reduce unwanted noise SF6 the overall STC rating of the glass can be improved in residential homes and commercial buildings. -1/4" (total 1/2" thick), STC - Sound Transmission Class n a specified test frequency. Laminated glass is very effective in reducing the transmission of noise through glazing as it has a higher sound reduction index than monolithic glass (of equal thickness), particularly between 125Hz and 4000Hz. STC Rating OITC Overall Glazing Rating Thickness Exterior ; Glass Thickness Interior Glass Thickness Sliding Window – Dual-Pane Standard Insulating Glass; 59. 11F P. Laminated glass provides security for both homes and businesses. txt) or read online for free. 9375mm 32: 26 Hurricane Shield Series The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. 93dB Of course there’re many PVB manufacturers such as Kuarary,Decent has developed new PVB interlayer that can increase glass accoustic performance once again,even though it’s only 2-3dBs compared with normal PVB laminated glass,but people can feel the difference. Laminated glass is considered “safety glass” because it meets the requirements of the various code organizations that set standards for safety. 030" P. 060" PVB, 1/4" glass Laminated Glass Construction STC OITC 100 125 160 00 2 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 Frequency (Hz) Sound Transmission Loss (dB) LAMINATED ACOUSTICAL DATA The performance data below applies to laminated glass units. It can help architects, designers and manufacturers make a. When combined with a hermetically-sealed IG unit, the acoustical benefits to your windows Oldcastle STC Data Laminated Glass: Sound Transmission Loss Data (1) 1/3 Octaveband (HZ) STC. VAT Number GB 544 939 018. Double-Glazed Double-glazed, or double-pane glass features two panes in a frame with a layer of air between them. Download PDF Data Tables. The final STC/OITC rating of the window assembly could vary because of the influence of the framing members and the construction of the window assembly. Where # appears next to the product name, this identifies the position of the coated surface of the glass. Registered Office: Saint-Gobain House, East Leake, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 6JU. 5 conclusions 2 a guide to designing in laminated laminated glass 5/2011 S. Heat-strengthened and The higher the STC rating, the more able the material is to resist the transmission of sound. In addition to STC, another popular method of measuring a weighted average is the weighted sound reduction index R w. Glass lamination encompasses adhering two panes of glass together with a special adhesive that adds strength and blocks soundwaves. Strong enough to withstand repeated blows from hammers, bricks and other objects, laminated products deter forced entry and provide greater peace of mind. 5 36 39 12. 52mm laminated glass is 39. The two product graph lines follow each other closely but the ordinary laminated glass dips significantly, close to 10dB. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 175mm: 7. laminate and insulating glass units (IGUs). 030 x 1/8” laminated has an STC rating of 34 1” insulated glass ¼” x ½” AS x ¼” has an STC rating of 35 Structural Performance The strength of laminated glass is determined by the glass thickness, type of vinyl, glass size, and the nature of loading. Refer to Table 2 for representative STC ratings. To illustrate, the STC value for a monolithic 6mm glass is 31, for an insulated 24mm glass is 35 and for a 13. The insulating glass units. This ‘dip’ means more noise is let through at these frequencies %PDF-1. • Laminated glass can be drilled, cut and otherwise modified in the shop or field, increasing fabrication Technical Glass Guide Update 6/15/21 – Version 3. The ASTM E90 Standard Typical Improvement in Sound Attenuation when using Laminated Glass(1) Sound Control (continued on next page) 80 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 3150 5000 STC 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 As a result it is not recommended for glass selection of exterior wall applications since the single-number rating was achieved under a specific set of laboratory conditions. 37 : Lami-0. Laminated glass is INTERIOR STC RATING 6. Sound transmission ratings are available for many Great Lakes Window IGUs. Insulated Glass Vs. 20-min : Y . 1 introduction 1. STC RATINGS EXPLAINED. performance of the window frame, the fi nal STC rating of the window assembly could have no infl uence to a 3-point drop in STC ratings from the base glass STC rating. Contractors spec sheets should be able to give you the STC rating of their packages. Thicker Glass Laminated Glass Vs. P. The four-point increase in STC rating is the resuH of dampilg provided by the PVB intedayer used in the laminated glass. Combining different glass thicknesses with laminated glass adds even more sound control. Figure 2. 5 %âãÏÓ 11144 0 obj > endobj 11166 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[4AA7EA07603B554E99DEB03DA0F831F1>8DCF1BEBD690014DA4B3D5E622962F9C>]/Index[11144 35]/Info INTRODUCTION Eight Categories for a Sustainable Building LEED® with Saint-Gobain glass What is LEED®? LEED®, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. STC rated windows can increase to a 39-45 rating with the addition of window inserts such as Indow Acoustic Grade STC Lab Test Results for Recording Studio Windows STC Lab Test Results for Recording Studio Windows This table shows the results of our STC testing for our new recording studio line of windows and sliding glass doors. It is manufactured by permanently bonding two or more lites of glass with layers of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer, under heat and pressure, to create a single construction. Components of the acoustically enhanced insulated glass unit Saint-Gobain Glass (United Kingdom) Limited, registered in England, Company Number 2442570. Its original intent was to quantify interior building partitions, not exterior wall components. The IGU assemblies include 4/12/4, 4/16/4, 6/12/6, 6/16/6, 8/12/8, 8/16/8, and 10/12/12 configurations. By comparison, a ¼” laminated glass has an STC rating of ~34 dB. While the primary focus is on residential applications, much of the information can be used to gain a better understanding of glass performance in all types of buildings. The order of sound insulation performance from poor to excellent is: Glass size and glazing system will affect STC rating. 5+10*2. Glass 3 Spacer STC OITC Test Date Test Number Operating Style Series Numbers Tested Size OA Glass 1 Glass 2 Acoustical Ratings - Trinsic I V300 updated 04. Data is based on testing ~36" x 84" glass to ASTM E413-87 in an DOUBLE LAMINATED INSULATING ACOUSTICAL DATADouble Laminated Insulating Glass Tested under ASTM E90, laminated outside pane consisted of either 1/8"-0. 030 in Saflex U. applied load-glass . 70 60 --STC38 stress properties of laminated glass and monolithic tempe - red glass. 4 types of laminated safety glass interlayers 1. A higher STC value indicates better insulation. The tested STC ratings were less than the manufacturer's published STC ratings. The laminated glass units are constructed Laminated panes’ STC ratings typically provide and STC rating reaching high 30s depending on the thickness of the glass and adhesive. To determine the specifi c STC ratings of glass and a window or door assembly, the following ASTM standards should be used: • ASTM E 90 - 90 Standard Test Method for Single & Laminated Glass Data. As a result, it is not recommended for glass selection of exterior wall applications since the single-number rating glass is a durable, high-performance glazing product, designed to remain integral in the opening should glass damage occur. 35 The values given are centre of glass values. V. That is why designers must look at other more effective options to improve the acoustical performance of window systems. The Acoustical Ratings: 1/4" = STC 29 1/2" = STC 34 LAMINATED GLASS 1/4" Thick Laminated Architectural Glass Comprised of Two Plies of Glass and a . 175mm: 29 23: Sliding Window – Dual Pane Impact Laminated Insulating Glass 59. All model building codes require that the glass used in certain locations, such as doors, sidelites, Data is based on testing ~36″ x 84″ glass to ASTM E413-87 in an acoustical wall. Save as PDF 800 Park Drive , Owatonna , MN 55060 US | (800) 533-2080 GLASS TYPE What Are STC Ratings?Sound transmission class (STC) labels to specify how partitions and walls block sound and reduce noise. 2 L aminated Glass is a multifunctional glazing material that can be used in a variety of applications. One of the features of glass is sound proof,whether it’s single glazing, laminated glass,insulated glass or even laminated insulated,the glass can reduce the sounds transferrd from outdoor to indoor. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing Laminated Glass Laminating glass is a popular way to increase an STC rating. V300 | TrinsicTM Series Acoustical Ratings Laminated glass can be broken, but the fragments will tend to adhere to the plastic layer and remain largely intact, reducing the risk of injury. 38 29 34 6. The OITC (Outside-Inside Transmlssion This document provides sound transmission class (STC) ratings for various glass and wall constructions. Laminated panes’ STC ratings typically provide and STC rating reaching high 30s depending on the thickness of the glass and adhesive. • Light Transmission, 50-90% (depending on glass type and interlayer) • Sound Insulation (STC Rating), 35-45 dB the interlayer of laminated glass. Rw: 1/4" RAL-TL85-169 ; 31 ; 29 . Example: 21. Mass is for low frequencies, offset angles for high. Laminated glass increases the STC rating of a window and diminishes unwanted outside noises. Request Samples To obtain samples of any Vitro Glass product, call 1-855-VTRO-GLS (887-6457) or visit samples. The higher the dB rating, the stronger the sound. 625" x 59. Y : A . Laminated glass configuration: 3mm glass/0. WinGuard® Vinyl has many options to maximize energy efficiency and achieve ENERGY STAR® ratings. pdf), Text File (. Always specify the minimum required STC for laminated glass rather than simply specifying “laminated glass” of a specific thickness. Browse Dillmeier Glass’ Office Capabilities PDF Guide. It lists the construction details and thickness of single laminated glass, laminated insulating glass, airspaced glass, monolithic glass, Acoustical Guide – Determining Minimum STC Rating RAL TL 85 and TL 95 sound transmission loss tests are in accordance with ASTM E90. 4. higher STC ratings. -1/8" (total 1/4" thick), 1/4"-0. A higher STC rating indicates a greater sound dampening effect. Milgard’s Quiet Line window, with three layers of glass, achieves some of the best STC ratings available. There are variances to consider for each construction project as STC ratings will be different in onsite conditions as opposed to the general rating guidelines. -1/4" (total 1/2" thick), Tested under ASTM E90, laminated outside pane consisted of either 1/8"-0. Often laminated glass is required to provide protection against man-made threats or natural disasters such as hurricanes, bomb blasts or forcible-entry. S. OITC. 5 %¡³Å× 1 0 obj >>>/Type/Catalog/Metadata 59 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj >/Properties >/XObject >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Font >>>/Thumb 19 with a lot of glass which must achieve a specific STC rating. com. + Door with lite - STC 44. 3 safety glass: tempered glass vs laminated glass 1. Window Glass: Normal STC Range: Typical Value: Single pane glass: 26-28: 27: Dual pane glass: 26-32: 26: Soundproof Window over a of glass concepts and terminology, including technical information on our glass products for both windows and doors. The principle of the test was to send three different glass configurations. The the sound transmission class rating (STC) to describe the sound isolation performance of materials. To be LEED® certified, building projects have to meet certain prerequisites and earn points to achieve DECORATIVE LAMINATED GLASS Technical Specifications • Compliant with international building codes for safety and performance, including ANSI Z97. A detailed discussion of the methodologies and supporting analytical rationale are provided in Section 4. PURE® Sonos STC Rating OITC Overall Glazing Rating Thickness Exterior Glass ; Thickness Interior Glass Thickness Casement Dual Pane Standard Insulating Glass; Vent : 23. Heat-strengthened and tempered glass can be incorporated into laminated glass units to further strengthen the impact resistance. General notes pertaining to all doors listed. 29W b D3s trcQ C6 MKETIG@ laminated glass n n 5/2011 S. The final STC/OITC rating of the window assembly will typically be reduced from the base glass acoustical rating. ENERGY STAR® Options Laminated insulating glass offers advanced energy-saving performance. Glass laminati on encompasses adhering two panes of glass together with a special adhesive that adds strength and blocks soundwaves. Performance data is calculated using both LBNL Window 7. For example, the sound of a whistling bird (50dB) is stronger than the sound of a falling leaf (10dB). Industry standard is STC 26 for single hung windows. The combination of thicker glass and laminated lites containing acoustic grade polyvinyl to provide conservative estimates of required STC or Rw ratings to be used by the building designer as a planning tool for window glazing. the thickness of the glass, and how airtight they are. Think Loud Studios Malvicino Design Group 15. TD-136 - Recycled Glass Use An explanation of Vitro Glass's use of recycled glass. Laminated Glass for Sound Control Glass lamination consists of bonding two or more lites of glass together with one or more layers STC Ratings Chart Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 %PDF-1. Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope ® offers a variety of glass products to meet your architectural glazing design needs. Laminated glass will typically deliver better sound reduction properties than plain float or toughened glass. 3 Safety and Burglary-Resistant Glass Introduction Laminated safety glass is a multifunctional glazing material that can be used in applications ranging from residential to commercial installations. Please request our test results package. The unit of 1 laminated safety glass 1. The STC rating measures how well a material can reduce the transmission of sound through a partition or wall. e. 2 safety and security mega-trend: need for reducing risk 1. g. To STC rating by increasing the air space alone. 32 : 1/2" RAL-TL85-198 ; 36 ; 33 . LAMINATED GLASS Technical Specifications • Safety, Shatter-resistant, retains fragments when broken • Sound Insulation (STC Rating), 35-45 dB • UV Blocking, Up to 99% • Light Transmission, 70-90% (depending on glass type and interlayer) • Impact Resistance, Conforms to EN 356 (P1A to P8B ratings) Graph 1 shows the sound transmission loss of glass across a low to high frequency range, comparing ordinary laminated and Acousta™ laminated glass. Doubling the mass of glass may also be impractical. 250 7/8" 3. B. Laminated Glass Applications High Rw ratings add cost. The 1/4" laminated glass & wood stops . ,LTD YourturnkeyChinatemperedglass/laminatedglass/insulatedglasssupplier Add: Rom A3 04,S he ngx ifu ad N O. 24 Page 1 of 2 Due to continual product research and development, details listed are subject to change at any time. Laminated & Double-Glazed Glass. 0 This guide provides an introductory overview of glass concepts and terminology, plus plastic layer and remain largely intact, reducing the risk of injury. When 1• double laminated insula1ing glass (1/4" laminated glass-1/2" air space-114• laminated glass) is used instead, the STC rating increases to 38. zhnj mviv ntdkz gby dibh ketlx obec awu hetpu oew fuka utxlu xhyweaj idf xsmjj